This is a forward from the Sam Houston Celtic Society. There's also a pub crawl in Houston Friday, the 20th.

Howdy-- I have never met any of you personally, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm Ross Asher, Sam '74, and a member of the Houston Highland Games Association. On April 22 there will be a Highland Festival in Huntsville (which I'm sure you already know about) and we are coming up from Houston to help with some events. A buddy of mine (Sam '77) and I will be in charge of the athletic competition (stones, sheaf, caber, etc.) and we could really use some help from some young, energetic folks, especially if they are wearing kilts, although that's not necessary. You can respond to me at if you would like to help with athletics or anything else our organization will be doing during the festival.

Now for the more pressing matter. If any of you will be in Houston tomorrow night, Jan. 20, there will be a Highland Games pub crawl in Rice Village starting at 6:00 pm and lasting until who knows when. We will hit 3 pubs, all within a block or so of each other, Sherlock's, Two Rows Brewery, and The Gingerman. Email me if you need further information. Kilts encouraged, but not necessary. This, of course, assumes that you are of legal drinking age.
Looking forward to meeting some of you soon.

Ross Asher