Has anyone had lasik done on their eyes? I am scheduled to have it done on Thursday the 9th and was wondering how those who have had it done like it. What did you experience?
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my brother did
My brother had the proceedure done and had great results. The kid has worn glass most his adult life and its hard getting use to see him w/o them. He said it was a breeze. Very little discomfort once he relaxed. Just make sure you put your drops in afterwards.
Has anyone had lasik done on their eyes? I am scheduled to have it done on Thursday the 9th and was wondering how those who have had it done like it. What did you experience?
Several people I know have had it done. Most with good experiences. Only one I know of is having problems with it. Just make sure the doctor has several good references. (The best reference is if the office workers of the doctors have had their eyes worked on by the same people they work for) This is one of those times where going the cheap route isn't recommended.
The place I am going is endorsed by my insurance company and after talking to a couple of the people that work there I found out that they had it done also. It is not a cheap procedure but if I never have to wear contacts or glasses again it will be worth it. Just like the freedom of the kilt, this is another kind of freedom.
I so want to get this done one day. I really don't mind the contacts, but it sure is a pain if I wake up with one of the kids and can't see or find my glasses. Let us know how the procedure goes.
I had it done almost two years ago. I now have 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other so I'm rather pleased.
Just be sure to take someone with you because you won't be able to see worth a crap after the surgury. Everything wil be realy blury.
After mine we had to kill 3 or 4 hours then go back for the first post-op check. My loving other half & her mother took me to a mall (Galavan center) & walked Mr. blindasabat (with his attractive wiffle ball looking protective eye covers taped to his face) from one end to the other while they shopped.
At least she was good enough to put the drops in my eyes every half hour or so because I could'nt see well enough to hit my own eye, let alone trying to do it through the holes in the eye covers.
BTW, when you wake-up the next day you'll be amazed that you CAN SEE!
At that point I could see better than before without glasses & for the next several days it will just keep getting better. :-)
The hardest part for me was resisting the temptation to rub my eyes because I had it done in the spring when my alergies were in full swing.
I had the procedure and could not be happier. I have 20/15 vision in both eyes. It will be two years this May. The only advice I would offer is be sure your doctor is a reputable one (do the research) and follow the post-op instructions. The only people that I know that had bad results failed to follow post-op instructions.