2nd March 06, 05:58 PM
you'd think jumping down an escalator face first would be painful - well this idiot found out the hard way!
Click Here to see.
2nd March 06, 10:17 PM
What a dumb ###! I really wonder if our young people have absolutely nothing between their ears. I'm sorry, but never in my life would I have even considered doing something that stupid.
Although I did have a funny experience on an escalator once. At the Farragut North Metro Station in DC there is a Dunkin Donuts down at the station entrance level. When I used to work downtown I would sometimes stop in to get a donut. That particular day I had been extremely busy and woken up late so I had not been able to eat anything all day. By about 3 PM I was getting extremely light headed from low blood sugar and decided the easiest thing to do would be to pump some sugar into my system and headed down for a donut. I picked up a couple of jelly donuts and started back up the escalators. Well, I had a donut in hand and was about ready to bit into when I fainted and fell forward. The lady behind me tried to roll me over and help me up but she was immediately confronted by a bright crimson stain on my shirt in the middle of my chest. I had simply fallen onto my donut but I was told later that she had begun screaming up a storm and an ambulance was called. I woke up after the medics shoved a sugar paste into my mouth and gave me a wiff of smelling salts. The woman was extremely embarassed that she had mistaken the remnants of a jelly donut for blood. It was all quite funny except that I never got to enjoy that jelly donut!
2nd March 06, 10:39 PM
What an absolute idiot. :rolleyes:
3rd March 06, 06:07 AM
I think that qualifies as a stupid human trick!
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
3rd March 06, 06:14 AM
If he had not survived, that idiot would have been in the running for a Darwin award.
Last edited by Jerry; 3rd March 06 at 06:52 AM.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
3rd March 06, 07:33 AM
That guy is far from the sharpest tool in the toolbox.
GlassMan....very funny. Too bad about the cherry donut tho..
3rd March 06, 08:10 AM
 Originally Posted by JerMc
saddest part is that idiots like him DO survive & then spawn offspring of a similar mental bent by the dozen!!!
There outta be a test that ALL people have to take before they are allow to reproduce to prove that they will be good responsible intelligent parents!!!!
ITS A KILT, G** D*** IT!
“I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."
3rd March 06, 08:16 AM
What a moron...he's the new poster child for birth control for me...
I have a story to tell in teh vein of GlassMan...my roommate was doing a low budget horror movie shoot in Manhattan and the scene required a woman to be screaming at the top of her lungs because her friend had just been attacked....
In the middle of the scene this woman ran up to help her out...it was a paramedic...someone had called 911 thinking there was an emergency....
3rd March 06, 10:09 AM
Here is another story in a similar vein. One of ny best friends used to be married to my wife's sister (my sister-in-law)). Anyhow, from what my friend told me, my sister-in-law tended to be quite vocal in bed (think "Lassie" from that stupid movie). Late one night, there was a hot session going on, when there was a knock at the door of the trailer where they were living at the time. They tried to ignore it, but then there was a louder knock and an announcement of "Police, open the door please". My friend went to the door, and it was the police. One of the neighbors had called and told them my friend was "beating his wife" . My friends answer was No, I'm not beating my wife". "Well why is she screaming, we could hear her when we drove up". My friend by that time was quite red in the face as he tried to explain. The officer still insisted on talking to my sister-in-law. When the police were finally convinced there was nothing illegal happening, they told the couple to hold it down a bit so the neighbors could sleep. My friend told me the officers were laughing all the way back to their car. Needless to say my friend and my sister-in-law were no longer in the mood.
Last edited by Jerry; 3rd March 06 at 06:55 PM.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
3rd March 06, 10:19 AM
 Originally Posted by JerMc
Here is another story in a similar vein. One of ny best friends used to be married to my wife's sister (my sister-in-law)). Anyhow, from what my friend told me, my sister-in-law tended to be quite vocal in bed (think "Lassie" from that stupid movie). Late one night, there was a hot session going on, when there was a knock at the door of the trailer where they were living at the time. They tried to ignore it, but then there was a louder knock and an announcement of "Police, open the door please". My friend went to the door, and it was the police. One of the neighbors had called and told them my friend was "beating his wife" . My friends answer was No, I'm not beating my wife". "Well why is she screaming, we could hear her when we drove up". My friend by that time was quite red in the face as he tried to explain. The officer still insisted on talking to my sister-in-law. When the police were finally convinced there was nothing illegal happening, they told the couple to hold it down a bit so the neighbors could sleep. My friend told me the offiders were laughing all the way back to their car. Needless to say my friend and my sister-in-law were no longer in the mood.
I have a similar story. was being a bit amorous with a partner while my downstairs neighbors where out on thier patio having dinner with friends. as it was summer the sliding glass door to my patio which was immediately above thier was wide open. Apparently, as things progressed the volume got a bit too loud for thier liking & we were interupted (momentarily) by the sounds of chairs scraping back and them picking up thier plates to head indoors.
they wouldn't look me in the eye for a few weeks afterwards
ITS A KILT, G** D*** IT!
“I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."
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