How is "tank" defined? Is that just an xmarks word?
Ron Stewart 'S e ar roghainn a th' ann - - - It is our choices
Yes, it's just an XMarks word. It's our slang for an eight-yard, handsewn, traditional wool tartan kilt.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
Thanks. Any guess as to the origin?
I believe Jimmy Carbomb said that such a kilt "wears like a tank."
It's a bit harsh on the kilt that one. I would call it "comforting". And it great in the wind.
I believe Jimmy was referring to the protection, the safe feeling (comfort) the overall feel of having that kilt around you. It's a comparison to more "casual" or contemporary kilts.
Mark Dockendorf Left on the Right Coast
TANK- T.hat A.rse N.eeds (a) K.ilt Just kidding
A tank is a heavily armored all-terrain vehicle usually with a rotating turret with a high caliber gun attached. Sorry, I couldn't help it.
This will lead you towards enlightenment grasshopper:
Originally Posted by Norbydog TANK- T.hat A.rse N.eeds (a) K.ilt Just kidding combined with you avatar...that is just plain scary...
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