Yesterday I made a discovery. Since I'm new to wearing a kilt on a daily basis, I've gone both regimental and non-regimental over the past weeks. I was beginning to thinks there wasn't much difference, but the underwear did seem to give me a bit more feeling of security. Well, yesterday, being the first "spring-like" day in Maine, I decided to take my lunch hour and go for a brisk walk. I was also wearing underwear. Within twenty minutes, I was looking for a modest way to remove my briefs! I felt bound up, sweaty and noticeably uncomfortable.
I returned to my office and the first thing I did was slip them off. I had forgotten how hot and sweaty those areas get. Within a few minutes, I felt cooler, dry and fresher. I'm sure when we keep these parts aired out and dry; we would naturally diminish the opportunity for bacterial growth and body odor there, as well.
I think I learned a good lesson. A little more care for modesty's sake may be necessary, but whenever possible, ditch those panties!