This weekend, at EH Young Riverside Park, adjacent to the Argosy Casino, property in Riverside, MO...

Friday evening, 6/9, 6-11 p.m.
Saturday, 6/10, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Friday evening's activities include an athletic Tug-of-War, the Scottish Clans Fire Ceremony and a rousing Ceilidh celebration featuring The Elders on stage. Enjoy bagpiping performances, authentic Scottish and favorite local foods, Celtic merchandise vendors and our colorful Scottish livestock display -- sheepdogs in action, giant Clydesdale horses and picturesque Highland coo's (cattle).

Saturday is a full venue of heavy Scottish athletics, featuring the National Lightweight Championships, as well as Pipe and Drum competition demonstrations and the Parade of Tartans. Our Highland Dance championships gather the finest dancers from across America, and there are two stages of live Celtic music and ethnic dance throughout the day. Live-steel swordfights, storytelling, children's games, Scottish clans and genealogy info, historical re-enactors -- and more!

This is a smaller games, and we really need your support. If any of you are in the area, try to stop by... In years past, there have been plenty of merchants selling wares.