Here's a couple of pics from the weekend. Fri we went for a curry but I forgot to take the camera. Sat we did a gig outside our local church hall. The church had organised a bbq to raise extra monies for 'Race for Life' (which is a sponsored walk in aid of Breast Cancer .. these walks are held throughout the UK, several times a year). The wife and the rest of the girls went on one earlier in the week and between them raised in sponsorship quite a few hundred quid. They were really pleased.
At the gig/bbq
On Sunday a group of us took to the buses and went off for Sunday lunch and some great beer .. Exmoor Gold .. only 4.5% but very nice on a warm day. We then took off to the bay where there was a boat on one of their visits.
Most of the faces I expect Rob will remember from his recent visit. I know Rob will understand this, Arwyn only 'fined' me once .. I must be learning.
Iechyd Da