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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Orange County, CA., U.S.A.
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    LOL Yes, I'm still around

    I've gotten a couple of emails asking where I was - was everything all right? Yes, I still check in almost every day, but I usually just scan the threads and read the ones that jump out at me; I'm kinda focused on something else right now.

    Since I'm not in school this summer, I've been planning a lot of (and doing some of) upgrades to my full size Bronco (a man's gotta have his toys). I'm spending a lot of time on www.fullsizebronco.com doing research for the upgrades I can afford, and reacquainting myself with another community I've let lapse for a while.

    So far, I've got a 175 amp alternator to replace my stock 75 amp and charge my new optima yellow top battery, and a promise of my stepson's new yellow top to set up a dual parallel battery (more reserve power), a new transmission fluid cooler, a remote tranny fluid filter (essentially an in-line engine oil filter, 'cause the filter in the tranny's just a piece of foam), and a set of removable tie downs for the back so I can pull the 35" tire in when I'm wheeling off-road (the tire's weight will rip the spare tire carrier right off). I'm also planning to install an external engine oil cooler, and I'm looking for ways to increase the efficiency of the watercooling system (do we see a pattern here). Being surrounded by California deserts, the heat build up is my biggest enemy.

    Another project that I'm tossing around is building a box around my K&N filter and plumbing in an external snorkle to provide a "cold air" supply and facilitate deep water ability; I've already extended the vent lines for my differentials, but I still need to vent the tranny and transfer case.

    Here's a pic of my other obsession.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    No wonder you have been focused on other things. Those full size Broncos are awesome!

    Somehow I knew you were lurking, I do it too.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  3. #3
    Panache's Avatar
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    In Memoriam, Iolaus

    Kilted Brethren we are gathered here today to bid fond farewell to Iolaus, gentleman, student, and kilt wearer. We remember his desire for all of us to be able to express our convictions, his friendliness, his humor, his mane of thick curly hair (darn him!) , and his really spiffy sporran belt which I have dibs on…


    He’s still around?

    Quick stop that organ music and hide the wreath!

    Welcome back Iolaus! Nice truck. Glad to see you are enjoying the summer.


    Oh, I am so embarrassed !
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Dude, you are blocking the sidewalk and half the street.
    Yup, Fullsize Bronco's are very nice, yours looks great
    Clan Lamont!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Funny thing - I was thinking about you just today! You know you'll have to prepare a tutorial on getting into that monster kilted... :rolleyes:

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Glad to hear all is well and you're having a good summer.
    A kilted Celt on the border.
    Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret
    Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis
    Funny thing - I was thinking about you just today! You know you'll have to prepare a tutorial on getting into that monster kilted... :rolleyes:
    I expect a video in the style of Ham.

    As one who pinged you, thanks for the update. Looks like you are having a good summer.

    Warm regards,
    Rex in Cincinnati
    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    ... I've been planning a lot of (and doing some of) upgrades to my full size Bronco (a man's gotta have his toys)...
    Sounds expensive...

    But then I guess they make those utilikilts pockets plenty deep!

    Good luck with the project!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by David White
    Dude, you are blocking the sidewalk and half the street.
    Yup, Fullsize Bronco's are very nice, yours looks great
    That's my driveway; I fit three vehicles in a two slot space by paving the grass strip on the other side and then parking on that walkway. My stepson's former "Ricer Mustang" (the first of the two vehicles he's totaled ) is backed up behind me; my 4X4 friends wanted me to check my departure angle on him.
    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis
    Funny thing - I was thinking about you just today! You know you'll have to prepare a tutorial on getting into that monster kilted... :rolleyes:
    Two words: No modesty. I'm lucky that the door comes down just low enough to block the view.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    Sounds expensive...

    But then I guess they make those utilikilts pockets plenty deep!

    Good luck with the project!
    I'm doing all the labor myself; thank god for well stocked junkyards and common parts. My Bronco has interchangability with many F-150 and F-250 parts, and in southern California, upgraded trucks are everywhere.

    Oh, and I've taken off the running boards since that picture (they were just in the way), so the "high step" is even higher.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Man, that is one nice ride.

    I wouldnt mind getting one myself in a bit, but I want a motorcycle first. I'd really like to see that when its all put together. Maybe take it out on a desert camping trip.

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