my wife showed me the little one piece shirts for our soon to be arriving baby boy ( induced Oct. 26th if he doesnt decide to come out earlier) , and I have to share what they ( the women of the baby shower) decided to paint on them.
before youread these....remember .......a gaggle of women made these!
start off with the basics
where's my chanter? ( they figured I would like this as I play the pipes.....they were right)
real babies wear kilts( see above....but change play pipes to wear kilts)
spit up here ( with a big X under that)
then the more ......risque'
on the butt side of it ...I like spankings
alls mom wanted was a back rub
dad quit playing with my food !
my best friends are twins
I'm what happens after one night of fun
the condom broke
then ...because I have a warped sense of humor and I think its funny ( mind you ALL of these are tounge in cheek )
daddy drinks because I cry.
poor kid ...he doesnt have a chance in this house my wife is already tryin to get a good tartan fabric to make him a kilt...and he aint even here yet!