Member - X Marks Honor Roll Former House Chairman/Forum Advocate
Join Date
29th July 05
Reston, Virginia, USA (Suburban Washington, DC)
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I would think so. I think I paid about that for XMarks tartan from Frasier & Kirkbright (with the group discount) and abt $65 American for cloth from DC Dalgiesh & Sons of Selkirk for the Carolina Tartan in my Matt Newsome box pleat. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Price of fabric is always per linear yard or meter measured parallel to the fold of the fabric. So, one yard of double-width fabric would be 36" X about 56-58" depending on how the fabric is woven.
Cool!! Jim is THE BEST instructor. I've taken lessons from several different people in the band (mostly when I was starting out), and he is _really_ good as a teacher. He's the only one I take lessons from now. He's very picky, particularly about timing and musicality, and it really pays off in terms of not developing bad habits. Can't wait to have you in the band! If you really work at it, you can play with us this summer!!
Kiltmaking is an expensive hobby, but it's a whole lot cheaper than kiltbuying!!!
BTW - if you don't care which tartan you use, I have several lengths of Strome weight that I'd sell to you at what I paid for them. One is the Modern MacGillivray (although it's not quite the right shade of red to match our band kilts) and the other is the Modern MacCallum, which is a very handsome tartan. Both are in Strome weight. I'll check to see if I have any others, but I think that's it at the moment.
When you asked what you should focus on, what did you mean?