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  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th February 06
    Upper Peninsula of Michigan
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    A Piper at a Funeral

    My mom's sister just died and we just got back from the funeral. Her name was Grace and everyone in town called her, 'Amazing Grace.' What I didn't know is that on one of Grace's sons has a wife who has a relative that plays the bag pipes. So at the end of the service, he played "Amazing Grace" on the pipes!

    I had seen them on the pew behind where he was handing out the bulletin, so I talked to him. He wasn't in a kilt and only wears one for events and said for the few minutes here he didn't want to wear it. I told him about my UK's and USA kilt I ordered. He asked about my clan, which I don't have one, but he was of the Davenport one.

    He will be moving to our area next year so I set him up with a link to our local pipe and drums group. The pastor of that church knows I wear a kilt and whispered to me when he walked in if I had it on. I didn't want to as none of that side of the family has really seen me in a kilt and I didn't want to draw attention away from my mom's sister's funeral. It was a great service and I think that is the first time a piper has played in a traditionally Finnish church.


    You don't have to be Scottish to be comfortable!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    26th August 06
    Elgin, IL. USA
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    Sorry for your loss Dale, Amazing Grace on the bagpipes would have been very touching.
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    22nd January 04
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    Quote Originally Posted by sorcererdale
    ... So at the end of the service, he played "Amazing Grace" on the pipes!...
    A wonderful tribute. At such services, nothing touches the heart quite like the pipes.

    ...I didn't want to (wear a kilt) as none of that side of the family has really seen me in a kilt and I didn't want to draw attention away from my mom's sister's funeral.
    I have worn kilts (traditional tartan kilt with argyle jacket + tie) to several funerals.... always with utmost dignity, and solemnity. It has never - ever - been taken as trying to draw attention way from the occasion. I have, in fact, been thanked, and more than once, for making the effort to show such respect.

    Increasingly, people seem to be showing up at funrals in anything from blue jeans to running shoes. That, in my view, shows a lack of respect.

    How you carry yourself, your mannerisms and demeanor, reveals the truth from your heart.... the kilt is only a traditional piece of clothing, but one that worn properly, shines with respect. I can't think of a more dignified to show it.

    Something I hope everyone would understand.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    31st December 05
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    My mother had 9 siblings, of which 4 are still with us. I wish that someone had thought of a piper for at least one of the services. I had no control over Mom's funeral. But , every time I hear Amazing Grace, I know she is smiling. It was her favorite Hymn. May God be with all who have lost loved ones. Peace be with you all.


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