I don't think it's Campbell of Cawdor either, the light strip looks white instead of azure (light blue) and what should be the red stripe looks almost purple or violet, it's difficult to tell because of the size and quality of the photo.
Hmm... giving the kilts a closer look, I still stand by Campbell of Cawdor for the one on the left. What others are saying looks like white certainly looks like it could be azure to me. I just can't think of another tartan that it looks more like.
The kilt on the right, however, I'm starting to think may not be the same tartan. I don't see any stripes on the blue in that one, and it looks like there is more going on in the green -- and I think the light stripe might be yellow. I'm thinking that one may be MacLaren.
Given the quality of the photos, though, I doubt any of us can say for sure.