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  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th September 05
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    Christmas Past and Present...

    So...I was ruminating whilst I was busy cooking Christmas Eve dinner for my wife's side of the family about Christmas a couple of years ago when we spent Christmas Night itself at the Schubert Theatre here in Chicago watching Tim Curry, Hank Azzaria and David Hyde Pierce in Spamalot...it was impossible to get four tickets together for any other night and the box office guy finally said, "...unless you want Christmas Night...you can have four together for Christmas Night no sweat." Now THAT was a fun Christmas!

    But I was cooking for the Polish side of the family last night. We've done some research into what would make up this traditional Christmas Eve dinner in Poland and the bugger was always that the main course for this meal (as I find it is in lot of other cultures) was supposed to be fish. I cook a lot but not a lot of fish...I literally grew up right across the street from the Union Stock Yards and beef was the preferred entree. More specifically, the fish should be a carp.

    Now, I understand that in Europe carp is looked upon as good eatin'. When I go fishing at one of my favorite spots, there's an English guy who shows up with a quart of beer, his pole, a lawn chair and no sunscreen and leaves with the chair, the pole, an empty quart bottle, a big carp and a nasty sunburn. He always gets a nice big fish...no small feat...lots of guys are trying for those fish but he always succeeds. I'm sure that those of you in Euro-Land are now ready to email me your recipes for carp but we don't really relish it in my circles.

    But I had a lunch in a faux-Italiano bistro on Michigan Avenue several weeks ago and the special was tilapia with fettuchini and steamed veg...and it was great. So last night, much to the puzzlement of the old-timers, they got tilapia fillets baked in basil and wine sauce backed with fettucini soaked with olive oil and garlic. Hey, it worked out SO well and was very cost-effective when served for twelve people...another twist on tradition.

    So today it's on to mom and dads' for Christmas Day and some beef.

    Merry Christmas to all!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    21st December 05
    Hawick, Scotland
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    Excellent, well done AA. I bet that was a tasty treat for the family.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

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