9th January 07, 05:39 PM
Dollar Tree
I was in my local "everything's a buck" kind of store today picking up something and was startled at first by this black lady only slighty older that myself. She said "Oooo my stars! A real man in a real kilt! I wish I had my camera, cuz my husband is NOT gonna believe me!" I started laughing then she put her hand to her mouth and said "O' sir, I'm sorry if I offended you." I responded with a big smile "No mam' not at all. I just got tickled at your reaction to me." "Well," she continued "I have seen men in kilts on TV but they sure look even better in real life." I said "Thank you mam'"
9th January 07, 05:42 PM
Thats great,
good to hear about positive encounters like that.
9th January 07, 05:43 PM
Ye mean ye broke down and paid a whole dollar for sumptin?
Cool story... I love the gushing reactions that a few rare folk have.
9th January 07, 05:44 PM
Being the object of women's oggling is a hard burden for us kilted types (even old guys like me get attention), but someone has to do the job.
And a guy in a kilt is likely to do it well.
Cangratulations, Dirk.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
9th January 07, 06:26 PM
See Dirkskene, I told you they were out there!
9th January 07, 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by thescot
Being the object of women's oggling is a hard burden for us kilted types (even old guys like me get attention), but someone has to do the job.
And a guy in a kilt is likely to do it well.
Cangratulations, Dirk.
Are you kidding me? I love that attention! I eat it up! It absolutely makes my day
9th January 07, 07:06 PM
The power of the Kilt is strong in this one!
9th January 07, 09:49 PM
I work in downtown Atlanta, and I have found that most black women not only know what a kilt is, but love to see it on a guy. I get comments like;
"Yeah baby, them legs is workin good!"
"Where can I get me one of those?"
"Turpin, all the women think you're totally hot in those kilts!"
and more. The'y're not shy about expressing themselves, I'll tell you.
One day a server at McDonalds looked at me over the counter and burst out laughing. She had to go to the rear of the kitchen to recover. When she came back I was just standing there smiling at her, and she lost it all over. Someone else had to take my order.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
9th January 07, 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by turpin
I work in downtown Atlanta, and I have found that most black women not only know what a kilt is, but love to see it on a guy. . .
I've noticed the same thing. Last spring I had a class with a black girl around my age who was forced to move here from New Orleans after Katrina. I wore the kilt to class. Class dismissed, and on my way out she was right behind me. She said [paraphrased] "I've never seen one of those on someone in person! That looks good I like it!"
Of course, I can't convey just how vocal and excited she was over the internet
9th January 07, 10:55 PM
Awesome, another cultral bridge built.
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