Swedish chef,animal , and beaker sing danny boy I laughed my.....you know what off !!!
Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!
that is a fun way to make the kilt fall off when my backside disappeared.
That made my day! Beaker has long been my fave (it's a lab thing )
I tend to sing it as Animal does after a few
Heersky deersky Danny Boysky!
Considering my family nickname is Muppet, this one is definitely getting shared.
Originally Posted by Kiltedfirepiper I tend to sing it as Animal does after a few Same here!!!
Sorry, It was cough medicine...
I needed a laugh tonight...moran taing (I liked it so much I posted it on my Shaw website!)
Eņin ~ Official Music Site ~ Jonathan Walden Clan Shaw website "Don't skirt the issue, call it for what it is""
Bump to the top Again have a safe HAPPY St. Paddys Day!!!!!
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