Anyone else having trouble accessing a yahoo e-mail account this afternoon? T.
Yes sir. I am.
I'm glad it's not only my account then! T.
I was having problems also.
Yup, It's Down-with a capital 'D' Ray
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!" Statement made by pink winged pony with crossed axes tattooed on her rump
No trouble here. Got into Yahoo mail and Yahoo Small Business mail just fine.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
I've got a couple different accounts -- one works, one doesn't.
Originally Posted by cajunscot Anyone else having trouble accessing a yahoo e-mail account this afternoon? T. (Gunther, Beuth's son) I suppose it is because of Daylight Savings Time, and all websites re-adjusting their clocks.
I'm having spotty connections - sometimes it works, more frequently, not.
My Blackberry seems to be accessing it and pulling in my emails just fine. I have the "premium" service for a wopping $20 a year that gives me POP3/SMTP access...
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