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Thread: X-Kilt Makers

  1. #1
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    X-Kilt Makers

    ...and you know who you are....there are at least 8-10 of you.

    PICTURES!!!!!! (if you haven' t posted them, yet)


  2. #2
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    I am making my first one right now so once it is done I will post pics. I am making Kilts for my brothers band to wear onstage so I am sure that I will have a few more on the way.

  3. #3
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    I was meaning to make my X-Kilt with the 4 yards of digi-camo cotton I have and take pics of every step (like a certain Flame-haired Goddess) but my camera does not work (Alan did you take my camera hiking as well?). But I've been teetering. I like the simplicity of the X-Kilt but prefer the look of a more traditional kilt - knife pleats and full width aprons. I have Barb's book, i have X-Kilt instructions. I am trying to get up the nerve to combine the thoughts of both kilt makers and build a more traditional contemporary (oxymoron alert) yet simple to build kilt. Can't wait for Steve's book don't you know. I'm sorry Alan, it is a ingenious design but perhaps not me.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    I was meaning to make my X-Kilt with the 4 yards of digi-camo cotton I have and take pics of every step (like a certain Flame-haired Goddess) but my camera does not work (Alan did you take my camera hiking as well?). But I've been teetering. I like the simplicity of the X-Kilt but prefer the look of a more traditional kilt - knife pleats and full width aprons. I have Barb's book, i have X-Kilt instructions. I am trying to get up the nerve to combine the thoughts of both kilt makers and build a more traditional contemporary (oxymoron alert) yet simple to build kilt. Can't wait for Steve's book don't you know. I'm sorry Alan, it is a ingenious design but perhaps not me.
    It's OK! You should make what you want to make!

    Look at it this way. What law says you're only allowed to make one kilt? Get some inexpensive material at the local fabric store and crank out an X-Kilt. In 13 hours of work, you'll have a kilt, you'll understand better what goes into it, and then following Barb's instructions with that $30-$80 a yard stuff will be a LOT easier.

    Do not be intimidated by making an X-kilt. It is NOT that hard. To make a truly fantastic kilt, traditionally, is hard and time-consuming. Oh yeah. But busting out an X-Kilt for knocking around and wearing to the beach or for backpacking or something.....it's just not tha big of a deal.

    Now, if you don't like the narrow-apron, box-pleat thing, hey no worries. But don't be intimidated by "how hard it's going to be". It just ain't. You CAN make more than one kilt without devoting your whole life to kiltmaking.

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    And if the only thing you don't like about the XKilt is the narrrow apron, change it! I too was not fond of the narrow aprons, even though I have 2 UK's and love them, so I modified the XKilt to have a traditional full width apron. See this thread.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Now, if you don't like the narrow-apron, box-pleat thing, hey no worries. But don't be intimidated by "how hard it's going to be". It just ain't. You CAN make more than one kilt without devoting your whole life to kiltmaking.
    Thank you Alan, I have no intention of a trad first time out (or 2nd, or 3rd...)
    I will surely get motivation from you and the X-Kilt, If I get stuck on one particular step I'll be looking up how you did it first on the X-Kilt before referencing The art of kiltmaking. To give credit where credit is due it is you that proves that it isn't that difficult to knock of a quick and easy kilt for only a few bucks.

  7. #7
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    Here's the link to my post tonight: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=25632

    It's basically an X-Marks box pleat with a traditional front and under apron.


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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    ... What law says you're only allowed to make one kilt? Get some inexpensive material at the local fabric store and crank out an X-Kilt. In 13 hours of work, you'll have a kilt, you'll understand better what goes into it, and then following Barb's instructions with that $30-$80 a yard stuff will be a LOT easier...
    That's exactly what I am trying to do. Once I've done a few X-kilts and variants of X-Kilts, I'm going to buy the new edition of Barb's book and try my hand at a traditional kilt. Not that my life isn't already busy enough, but I need a very nit-picky sort of hobby to keep me sane (or is that insane?) .

    Be well,

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    The down (?) side of x-kilts

    If there even is such a thing, My construction office girl Ms. Ohio wants me to do a tartan x-kilt. She likes the E-kilt but prefers "plaid".
    May have to collaborate with RedJ and that blue fabric she got on X-Bay (ebay link for kilt stuff).
    Bring camera on the 30th, stampede at Devil's Canyon.

    CT - trunk line

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameronTaylor View Post
    If there even is such a thing, My construction office girl Ms. Ohio wants me to do a tartan x-kilt. She likes the E-kilt but prefers "plaid".
    May have to collaborate with RedJ and that blue fabric she got on X-Bay (ebay link for kilt stuff).
    Bring camera on the 30th, stampede at Devil's Canyon.

    CT - trunk line
    Just do a box-pleat with a full-width apron. Then call it an X-Kilt to keep her happy. A machine-sewn box pleat goes together pretty quickly, and you can do it without showing any of the stitching.

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