17th March 07, 09:08 AM
I hate Canada Post
A week ago Wednesday Robert from RKilts shipped my new kilt. The mail carrier just came for the 9th time since then and still no kilt (Happy St Patrick's day to me). To add insult to injury, the Canada post tracking site still has not been updated since the "Item Received" initial post. When I have ordered stuff from Scotland, I have been able to track it all the way (still don't know why my last kilt went by way of Prague and Sidney, but at least I knew where it was) on both the Royal Mail and US mail sites.
Sorry, just needed to vent.
17th March 07, 09:11 AM
As a Canadian I know what you are talking about, don't hold your breath, but it will get there.
What I have found is once I think it will never arrive, there it is.
17th March 07, 09:14 AM
Canadian post is NOTORIOUS for this. I ordered a pair of wooden plugs (for my earlobes) a year ago, and it took two or so weeks to get them here. Ridiculous. Then, also last year, I did a "buy it now" on Ebay for a leather holster for my, now deceased, Palm Treo. I waited and waited, and emailed the seller. He swore it was on it's way. He sent me the tracking number, and I realized "CRAP! it's coming from Canada!" I had not noticed that when I purchased it. Had I, I would have purchased from someone else. Nothing against our candian craftsmen and vendors. But, due to my bad experiences with the postal service there, I try to avoid ordering from Canada if at all possible.
17th March 07, 09:15 AM
I know you frustration. Although in their (Canada Post/Poste Canada) defence, every once in a while mail does get delivered in a timely fashion. Happened to me once back in '89.
17th March 07, 09:19 AM
If I had left my house the morning after I learned the kilt was done, and walked 10 hours a day (averaging 4 miles/hr - very doable) I could have had my kilt on last night about 6pm
17th March 07, 09:42 AM
It seems to take an average of 2-1/2 weeks once things get into the Canadian system. I don't know if the problem is with Canada post or with customs inspections or what. But it is frustrating.
Maybe their checking for bomb making materials or something. (R-Kilts is a serious terrorist threat you know.)
17th March 07, 09:50 AM
 Originally Posted by arrogcow
If I had left my house the morning after I learned the kilt was done, and walked 10 hours a day (averaging 4 miles/hr - very doable) I could have had my kilt on last night about 6pm
And we could have gone for a beer.
Canada post has two offerings for faster service. One is expedited the other express.
The expedited quoted me 6-8 business days for $16 Xpress post 6 business days with full tracking is $27.
expedited only tracks when the package is received at the post office and when it gets delivered. Xpress will track the package every stop along the way.
There have been times when the expedited package gets there sooner than the xpress.
Courier companies are another alternative but then there is brokarage fees.
It has been a tough call for us as we try to be as economical as possible.
I took the expedited route hoping for the 6 business day turn around. I lost.
Sorry Adam....
17th March 07, 09:50 AM
The R stands for RADIOACTIVE! DUH!
17th March 07, 09:52 AM
It's odd...I've been buying & selling online for 10 years and have rarely had anyone wait a long time to receive something that I've shipped to the US. Most stuff arrives within 5 - 7 working days when I use Canada Post airmail.
17th March 07, 10:42 AM
 Originally Posted by Canuck
And we could have gone for a beer.
Canada post has two offerings for faster service. One is expedited the other express.
The expedited quoted me 6-8 business days for $16 Xpress post 6 business days with full tracking is $27.
expedited only tracks when the package is received at the post office and when it gets delivered. Xpress will track the package every stop along the way.
There have been times when the expedited package gets there sooner than the xpress.
Courier companies are another alternative but then there is brokarage fees.
It has been a tough call for us as we try to be as economical as possible.
I took the expedited route hoping for the 6 business day turn around. I lost.
Sorry Adam....
Not blaiming you, though I probably would have paid the extra $11 to know where the package was (or to not know you had shipped, I'm not sure which would be better ). At least I have a day to relax since I know it can't come tomorrow, then back to standing by the mail box first thing Monday morning.
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