12th April 07, 10:17 AM
Oh noes... What have I done...

I just got off the phone. I just got a job. Well, sort of. I get to sign on like everybody else selected for the trial period of opening a vintage clothing store downtown. Down the line, they will want me as a tailor I think.
All of a sudden, massive and total panic attack sets in. Wife's surgery is coming up... Job. Surgery... What if I can't get that day off? Or the day or two after to care for my wife? Oh geeze.
I've already been informed if I start working I might have to find a new place to live... What if they follow through with their threat and I find my self with a 30 day eviction notice? No place to live, and no means to move.
What if my wife loses her disability payments and health care? Especially right now with the surgery (ies) going on?
I start next Wednesday. At 10. In the AM. I start throwing up... In maybe the next five minutes.
The kilt thing was what got me noticed I think... I think I'll be expected to be kilted at work. Which means *gasp* I might actually have to find an iron and touch up my horrid looking pleats.
If you will pardon me, I think I might go in to a dark corner and suck my thumb. Or maybe just throw up. Or run in circles on the floor and go "nyuk nyuk nyuk" till I feel better.
12th April 07, 10:20 AM
Congrats on the job, Dread, and we will pray that your new worries will prove unfounded or conquerable.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
12th April 07, 10:23 AM
Everything happens for a reson this could turn out to be excellent for you i sure hope so.Good luck with it all.
12th April 07, 10:29 AM
I am absotootly stunned. I think I am feeling good about it though. Strange feeling of something or other bouncing around in my skull.

More money for kilts!
12th April 07, 10:34 AM
Never forget the following words - they have helped me through many a crisis:
When in Danger
Or in Doubt
Run in Circles
And Shout.
12th April 07, 10:36 AM
Take two deep breaths.... and everything will work out one way or another. You have friends that will help if its needed. For now, welcome to the working world.
12th April 07, 10:57 AM
Man, I I just realised another long term goal is now in reach... They are willing to hire me with out a car and a license, but with the expectation that I will take care of the transportation issue ASAP.
I wonder if they expect me to travel or something? They do have other stores, locations, maybe warehouses I'll need to go to? If I am working as a tailor, which I will be doing eventually, I wonder if I will have to go to other stores to do fittings or something?
Cause you know, I can see my self doing that.
I gotta get busy living.
Maybe this might be what I have been waiting for, a way oot.
12th April 07, 11:03 AM
Just remember Mr. Humphries loves to measure the inside leg of a man wearing a kilt. Don't be that guy.
12th April 07, 11:03 AM
I am happy for you, and I am concerned for you as well. I understand your nervousness. Someway, somehow it will work out. I wish you only the best. And I really hope your wife's surgery comes out OK.
12th April 07, 11:10 AM
May your days be filled with lovely lassies in line for a mini-kilt fitting!
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