22nd June 07, 05:06 PM
Pics of me in Jacobite attire
Hey All
A few weeks ago I was able to attend an event for the day, and have a few snapshots to mark the event.
I wasn't able to wear my dirk for the "no carrying of live steel" rule at this event, which was pretty funny because they said nothing about the musket!
I stuck my sgian dubh in my belt and politely told people to "pound it" when I was reminded of the "no live steel" rule as I saw many people carrying swords.
My friend was kind enough to loan me his sleeved tartan weskit and neck stock, which improved the outfit immensely.
I've done lots of little things to improve my kit since this photo was taken such as adding a cockade to my bonnet, constructing some leather ghillies, making a soft-leather sporrran and also I've been told that my tartan weskit is nearly complete.

And here's some more of the rabble I feel fortunate to be a part of:

Thanks for looking
Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick
22nd June 07, 05:10 PM
What organization is this in aid of?
22nd June 07, 05:12 PM
22nd June 07, 05:45 PM
Nice pics you certainly look happy in the first one.
22nd June 07, 06:14 PM
Nice kit.
Too bad I live on far corner of the country. I'd LOVE to get together and do that kind of stuff.
The FIRST thing that "POPS" out at me (and would be easy to fix) are cadadh. The instructions are on the DYI section here (do a search).
I'll bet it's a BLAST!!!!
Have fun.
22nd June 07, 07:44 PM
A handsome lot.
Regional Vice President, North East
Clan Lamont Society of North America
23rd June 07, 12:22 AM
23rd June 07, 02:38 PM
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
23rd June 07, 06:08 PM
Your'e Looking good,I like the Musket
judging from the guy wearing the long hanging down belt behind you and the mix of both canvas and plastic tents on traders row I'd say your'e at a SCA event
I'm an 18th century guy born into the 20th century and have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing"
24th June 07, 09:26 AM
First of all
Thanks to everyone for all the compliments!
MacWage: I found the site for this group in Georgia/Florida.
This picture was taken at an event called simply "The Gathering" which claimed it had no official SCA affiliation, but largely consisted of SCA folk.
I swear I have NEVER in my life seen so many BAD kilts! There was one fellow who thought it a good idea to wear a flannel bedsheet wrapped around himself like a sarong!
Thank goodness for my 4.5 yds of double width wool!
My group's official designation is The Jacobean Guard, but has referred to itself as "The Clan" up until recently.
As a group we attend various SCA events, Highland games and other Reenactor gatherings.
I'm also hoping to get my friends to attend a rendezvous in force so we can open ourselves up to another circle to actually shoot our muskets and pistols!
We all have a clear dedication to uphold an increasing level of historical authenticity. We strive to be the best dressed, equipped and "squared away" group of all the events we attend.
One of our main goals is to educate people. It may be about the '45 rebellions, historical authenticity, traditional highland customs or just to help a bloke get his plaide pleated and belted up properly.
Our group is organized with an elected Chief, Chieftain, secretary treasurer and quartermaster.
We host an annual Burns supper, we hold regular meetings and have a "weekly" leather craft night.
Nearly every one of our members is a talented craftsperson, be it with leather, knitting, sewing, wood, metalwork etc. We make most of our own kit, and do a lot of trading of goods, services and raw materials amongst ourselves in order to obtain the gear we need.
We are currently the only group in the Northwest who does '45 reenacting
Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick
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