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  1. #1
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    Unhappy Dr. Who and the Master

    There is only one episode left of the present Dr. Who series and its on this Saturday night on BBC, its the third and final part of three.
    I cant wait until Saturday night to find out what happens, Russell T Davies has hinted at a major surprise in the final part and also that he may not make any more Dr. Who episodes.

    With the brilliant John Simm as the newly reincarnated Master who is Prime Minister of the UK, he has killed all of his cabinet, assassinated the USA's president-elect and let loose an alien race to takeover the world and told the aliens to kill 10% of the world's population.

    So you might add what is the good doctor doing to stop this happening?
    Nothing at all, he has been turned into a harmless old man and can only look helplessly on at the destruction of Earth and its inhabitants, even Captian Jack is helpless to come to the doctor's aid.

    I fear all is lost and life is not going to be worth living after Saturday night.
    Glasgow will be full of aliens (whats new) and the Sporran Police will be stopping all kilties the length and breadth of Sauchiehall Street.

    Can any X-Marker come to my rescue or at least stop either the Master or the Sporran Police. I badly need help (although I have been told that for years)

  2. #2
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    Ok, thanks for ruining it for those who live across the pond.... We are about a year behind the rest of the world in seeing Dr. Who. I have to see it on BBC America Last Episode was "Runaway Bride". My local Public Broadcasting Station, just last week started to run previous years Dr. Who.... So that makes it 2 years (2005 Episode "The Unquiet Dead will be running this weekend).

    We don't even get Torchwood....cant even see video of it on the website, because we are outside of the UK...
    on the one hand
    I am a [B]perfectly ordinary[/B] human being
    on the other
    I am a [B]kilt-wearing karaoke king[/B]
    with a passion for kiwis

  3. #3
    Panache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy View Post
    ...Can any X-Marker come to my rescue or at least stop either the Master or the Sporran Police. I badly need help (although I have been told that for years)
    The League of Moderators Zeppelin, The Saltire, was armed and ready to set sail but sadly Freelander Sporrano vetoed the whole rescue attempt, something about he and the Master being both members in good standing of SPECTRE...



    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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