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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th June 07
    RAF Lakenheath, UK
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    utilikilt sizing

    Just got back from DC and my luck held true no bags they are in Atlanta if nothing else Delta is consistant lost themgoing to DC and comming back to FL.

    But what do I see when I get home but a package! my new Utilikilt the night is looking up....nope tried it on and it was waaay to tight I measured as I always do and came up with a 34 for the waist it was actualy 33.5 rounded up now granted my hips are 44 but my USA kilt is a 32 and fits fine. Do they run small? The belt they have as a 30-34 again too small.
    o well guess I have to give them a call monday and send it back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The one thing that every kiltmaker (that I've had a chance to speak with) has said to me is, "Don't give me measurements that you use for any other kiltmaker, or for your pants/jeans. Give me the measurements the way that I want them."

    That said, I wear a 36 in most jeans, and a 38 in most suit pants. I have 37, 38 and 39 utilikilts, and they all fit me. The 37 fits a bit on the snug side, the 39 fits a bit on the loose side, but they're all wearable.

    Of course, that's just for me, I've heard some people that can't feel comfortable going up or down one size.

    Sorry to hear about your doubly bad evening (losing your luggage and getting the wrong size UK.) Hope they both get to you quickly!


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The problem in this case is probably UK has figured out the "average" size for hips, and on most guys it works. You obviously have big hips, so probably need a larger size UK. However, they are not perfect either, measure the waist of the UK you got, and make sure it is what your ordered.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    for me, if I follow the sizing instructions that UK gives on their site... they fit just right... but I have an average body size... I'd double check the measurements (have someone do it for you) and make sure that it's right...and give them a call, they're good guys and will work with you

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The kilt fits in the waist but I am not average build I guess thats where I went wrong. I will give them a call Monday. Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    RAF Lakenheath, UK
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    Utilikilt sizing

    Talked to the guys at Utilikilts and they where great, the problem was they had different sewers and they made the kilts narrow in the hips. Utilikilt guys told me just send it back and they would swop it for a new one, thier customer service was great.

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