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Thread: Amish Haggis??

  1. #1
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Amish Haggis??

    Thought those of you not familiar with Amish or "Pennsylvania Dutch" ways, might get a kick out of this:

    Having grown up in predominately Pennsylvania Dutch country, we frequently ate foods that came from the recipes of the Amish.
    One of these delicacies, is Hog Maw.
    Hog Maw can be best described as Amish Haggis...
    Pig's stomach, stuffed with potatoes, sausage, cabbage, and spices... it's quite tasty, and easy to make.
    We ate this, by the plateful, around the holidays... particularly Thanksgiving & New Years.

    here's the recipe:


    * 4 baking potatoes, peeled and cubed
    * 1 large pork stomach
    * 2 pounds bulk pork sausage
    * 1 medium head cabbage, separated into leaves and rinsed
    * salt and pepper to taste


    1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Place the potatoes into a large pan with enough lightly salted water to cover them. Bring to a boil, and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and let cool.
    2. Wash the pork stomach thoroughly in cold water. Alternate stuffing the pork stomach with potatoes, sausage, and cabbage, seasoning with a little salt and pepper, until the stomach is full. Try to make even layers, imagining how it will look when it is done and you slice it. Fold closed, and place in a shallow roasting pan. If you have any leftover stuffing ingredients, just place them in the pan around the outside.
    3. Roast uncovered for 40 to 50 minutes in the preheated oven, until the sausage is cooked through and the stomach is browned and crispy. When done, slice into 2 inch slices and serve piping hot. You can make gravy out of the drippings if desired, but it is good by itself as a whole meal.


  2. #2
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    It's like haggis, but with vegetables. Where are all of the yummy items, like intestines, liver, heart, lungs, and kidney?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    It's like haggis, but with vegetables. Where are all of the yummy items, like intestines, liver, heart, lungs, and kidney?

    Hmm... I was actually thinking of talking to some hunters I know and seeing about making a Canadian/Scottish fusion dish... Moose Haggis! Imagine the size of that... could feed a LOT of people!

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    I'm hoping to do some hog hunting this month or next and was planning on attempting a hog haggis. If I get two I'll have to try the hog maw also. It sounds like good eating.


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