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  1. #1
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    Atlanta/Georgia X-Markers

    Are all of our members in Atlanta and the surrounding areas ok? I saw the tornados damage to the CNN center. They also mentioned on the news that the city cancelled the St.Pats festivities, that’s what made me think about our X-marks members. Been thinking of you guys and gals all day!!
    Hope all is well,
    "There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
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  2. #2
    Panache's Avatar
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    Knocking on wood for all our good people out that way. Be safe.


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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  3. #3
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    There was a tremendous amount of damage in the downtown area, but the last I heard there were no fatalities. And that's a wonder. When skyscrapers have glass blowing out, it's a good way to get hurt. \

    Out here on the east side of town, we had a tornado last night as well, and just now--at 4:30 PM on Saturday--we just had a tremendous storm blow through with golfball sized hail.

    I pray that my friends all weathered the thing as well as I.

    Thank you for your concern.
    Jim Killman
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  4. #4
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    We're all safe in Jefferson. A lot of wind, rain and hail and loud emergency sirens (so they do work) . Reports are a tornado touched down in town but I've not heard if any damage. For now we're making belts until we blow away. I'm sure this is nothing compared to what you guys in Tornado Ally deal with though.

  5. #5
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    Most of the damage was in the downtown area. At least the Splash family is safe and sound in Snellville.
    "A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon

  6. #6

    Cartersville's rounds with this storm system began around 4:00 a.m.. With some major lightning, I had just managed to power down the computers when a nearby bolt turned night into day. Thank goodness, THIS time I got all cables disconnected, when the TV and stereo suddenly blared into life by themselves. BANG!!!!!!!!!

    Later, I woke to the news of the first ever tornado in the downtown Atlanta area and saw the damage at all of the major tourist venues to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars..if not far more.

    Then at 1:00 pm came the tornado sirens, jet black skies, and high winds. Apparently some damage at the local airport, but across the area two people killed. Then the power went out for four hours. Seems like it was around 4:15 when I saw news of new cells..one heding for conyers with hail and another with "baseball sized" hail headed towards Lawrenceville. Then came two hours of war temps and beautiful blue skies. Now, very high winds and mixed conditions minute to minute. March IS coming in with a ROAR!!!!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheep In Wolf's Clothing View Post
    Are all of our members in Atlanta and the surrounding areas ok? I saw the tornados damage to the CNN center. They also mentioned on the news that the city cancelled the St.Pats festivities, that’s what made me think about our X-marks members. Been thinking of you guys and gals all day!!
    Hope all is well,
    Checking in from the south side of the city. Thanks everyone for the concern. Most of it passed north of me... a lot of heavy rain, winds and noise here, but not like the tornado that hit the city. Hope everyone is okay.


  8. #8
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    I am OK in Downtown came out unscathed. My office building did not however and I understand the floor on which I work sustained a fair amount of damage. None of the employees on duty were injured for which we are truly grateful.

  9. #9
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    Although St Patrick's day parade was cancelled, the festivities in Underground Atlanta were not. I went with a couple of friends, and saw some damage on the way on the MARTA east line. Trees are down, some quite large. We saw the lofts that collapsed for 4 stories. Several buildings had wind damage, some capricious-looking, with, say, the corner of a concrete block building town off and no other damage nearby. A few houses totally demolished, more with parts of their roofs torn off, But most unharmed. We didn't see Cabbagetown, where there is said to be quite a bit of destruction. One of my friends teaches at Georgia State, so we walked over there to see if her office was OK. It was, but we saw many windows out on the skyscrapers and broken glass in the streets and sidewalks. Several trees were down in Hurt Park, including a huge old oak. Street signs were twisted, etc.

    The tornado, or winds, seemd to have skipped around. There was no clear path of destruction.

    The festivities were sparsely attended, as might be expected. The Atlanta police pipe band, the Emerald whatever it is, played, as well as a U2 tribute band. There were few kilts.

  10. #10
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    reporting in....

    Hi folks

    We're fine here just next door to the northern border of the Georgia Tech campus. It was a rather tense time, but aside from some branches in the street, we didn't have much to show for the severe storms over the past 24 hours.

    I hope everyone else is doing ok!

    Hachiman (and wife)
    Pro Libertate (For Freedom!) The motto of the Wallace Clan
    When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

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