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Thread: Pet-o-mania

  1. #1
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    Allrighteee....I just got the large white pussy cat back from the vet. Diagnosis: diabetes. After an exam and treatment that will probably cost about he same as a modest tank, I now have to give the cat insulin twice a day.

    And to make things even more surreal....while we were in the waiting room at the vet's, a friend of my daughter's and her grandmother came in with a Siamese kitten that they found hoping that whoever lost it had contacted the veterinarian's office. No dice on that one...the vet won't keep the animal there and suggests they take the little darling to Animal Welfare (which I know is packed to the gills with dogs and cats mostly because of all of the financial woes and real estate foreclosures). So my dear wife....you got it....volunteers for us to take the adorable thing home as daughter's friend and grandma have a couple of dogs and don't know how to take care of a cat anyway.

    Thus I now have a Siamese kitten living in my second floor bathroom, a diabetic dreadnought class white cat sleeping under the dining room table, my marmalade striped cat sleeping in my place in my bed, the Tibetan Terrier sleeping in my room, my Beagle sleeping in my room and little Skippy (aka Poodle-Boy, the one who showed up on my doorstep last October and is now living happily with us) sleeping next to the Beagle.

    Three of each...I'm seriously considering building an Ark as it has been raining a bit more than usual today.



  2. #2
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    I'm sure there is a special place for you in heaven...complete with a Jacobite straight-jacket and matching hose.

  3. #3
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    I can sympathize... We have taken in three stray cats(One of which has now cost us over $1000 in surgery) and two dogs in the last two years... then there's the six rats(three are feeders that survived), the snakes, the parakeet, the rescued turtle, the tarantula, the fish... You get the idea...

    Good for you! I know it can get expensive and frustrating, but it's worth it. The world needs more caring families like ours.

  4. #4
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    I know what your going through. I also had a cat that needed insulin twice daily. The worst part was that my wife named the cat "Baby Monster". Whenever I needed a refill on the insulin I got it filled at the local Walgreen's. When the Rx was ready they would call out "prescription ready for Baby Monster Chisholm", needless to say I got some very strange looks. My wifes favorite thing was to watch me chasing the cat around the house naked with a needle in one hand while I was getting ready for work every morning. The cat lived for another three years and hated that needle. Good Luck!
    Last edited by Glen C; 31st May 08 at 06:28 AM. Reason: spelling

  5. #5
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    My now 13 year old cat was diagnosed with Diabetes about a year and a half ago. It was interesting (to say the least) and expensive in the beginning but once we all got the routine down it's mostly been a non-issue. The cat doesn't mind the shots and even I've gotten used to giving them to him.

    My sister and brother-in-law gave insulin shots to one of their cats for 8 years until she died last year at age 19.

    Now, my question is who has the pet food concession in your area? I think I may want to buy in on it.

    Thank you. We need more folks out there willing to be rescuers.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  6. #6
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I posted this elsewhere but how about this for a pet? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/...st/7416325.stm

  7. #7
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    No kilts for me for a while. We just dropped $3100 on repairing a fractured humerus on our cocker spaniel. Why can't we just accept that it's not worth it and put the to sleep?
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

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    Because then I'd be out of a job!

    Funny thing is, I just finished taking a survey on diabetes through VIN (Veterinary Information Network). There is a link here for pet owners as well-go ahead, take the survey.


    Be well,

  9. #9
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    Lincoln, our 15 year old tabby, was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago. 2 shots a day and he's become the most loving, friendly cat imaginable! He used to be a curmudgeon till he got sick. Odd. However, he shows no signs of slowing down at all, even when we miss a shot or two.

    As for why we do this for our pets...just because we can. I hate to see any animal in distress. We spent a small fortune on Lincoln in the first few months after he was diagnosed. We went into debt to do it as we were broke at the time, but it didn't matter. He gets treated better than most children, LOL.

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