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  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th August 07
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    This was a very productive day

    I called a seamstress friend to go shopping with me because I didn't want to go at it alone. Besides, I needed the advice in the long run.

    We went to the mall to grab a few things. While there I saw a woman in a dark blue US Coast Guard uniform ( never knew that had a full dark blue uniform). I made a point of stopping her and letting her know that she was appreciated, my way of life is free because of folks like her.

    My friend and I grabbed our stuff and headed for Pacific Fabrics. You see, today I am buying all the things I need to make myself an X-Kilt (supply list taken from Alan H's excellent X-Kilt tutorial). When the supply shopping was all done, I found that I had spent only $44.00 for everything (my first sewing project and I needed some stuff). The fabric cost $30.00 for 5 yards of 62" width cotton twill - enough for two X-Kilts

    We were on our way to find a restaurant for lunch and ran into a man wearing US Navy whites. I recognized this uniform immediately because I served in the US Navy. Again, I made a point of stopping him and letting him know that he was appreciated.. I'm free because of folks like that.

    We finished lunch and walked home. I prefer walking to driving because it's better for me and the environment.. and it's a good thing I felt that way because we found a $20.00 bill laying on the grass next to the sidewalk. Whomever lost that $20, thank you for lunch

    Back home now, reading my favorite website (XMarks) and Alan H's X-Kilt tutorial. I'm really looking forward to making myself an X-Kilt and I'll post pics as I can.

    This has been a most productive day

  2. #2
    Join Date
    22nd June 08
    Fort Campbell, KY
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    well good for you and congratulations!

    have to post some pics, it's the rules!

    Hector Rojas Young | Chilean-Scot

    operor non sentio mihi , quinymo agnosco mihi

    Clan Young - We Ride!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by hospitaller View Post
    well good for you and congratulations!

    have to post some pics, it's the rules!

    Yep, I'll be posting pics as the project progresses. Right now all I have done is washed the material - still waiting on the sewing machine to arrive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the report on a good day. And thanks for taking the time to thank some service folks. I remember getting very different treatment from some folks in LAX in the early 70s, and I've often wondered if any of them have come to appreciate their freedom in the interim.

    I never pass the oportunity to thank a military man or woman when I see one.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    America's Hometown
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    BOS was no different than LAX in the early seventies. You are thanked by many today for service unappreciated back then. This from some of the returning servicepeople from Iraq.

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