I called a seamstress friend to go shopping with me because I didn't want to go at it alone. Besides, I needed the advice in the long run.
We went to the mall to grab a few things. While there I saw a woman in a dark blue US Coast Guard uniform ( never knew that had a full dark blue uniform). I made a point of stopping her and letting her know that she was appreciated, my way of life is free because of folks like her.
My friend and I grabbed our stuff and headed for Pacific Fabrics. You see, today I am buying all the things I need to make myself an X-Kilt (supply list taken from Alan H's excellent X-Kilt tutorial). When the supply shopping was all done, I found that I had spent only $44.00 for everything (my first sewing project and I needed some stuff). The fabric cost $30.00 for 5 yards of 62" width cotton twill - enough for two X-Kilts
We were on our way to find a restaurant for lunch and ran into a man wearing US Navy whites. I recognized this uniform immediately because I served in the US Navy. Again, I made a point of stopping him and letting him know that he was appreciated.. I'm free because of folks like that.
We finished lunch and walked home. I prefer walking to driving because it's better for me and the environment.. and it's a good thing I felt that way because we found a $20.00 bill laying on the grass next to the sidewalk. Whomever lost that $20, thank you for lunch
Back home now, reading my favorite website (XMarks) and Alan H's X-Kilt tutorial. I'm really looking forward to making myself an X-Kilt and I'll post pics as I can.
This has been a most productive day![]()