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  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd July 08
    Port Washington, NY
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    New USAKilts MacPherson Red Awesomeness

    On 8/11/08 I received my new MacPherson Red Semi-Trad Kilt from Rocky & Kelly. Rocky and Kelly got it to me in a week and half from the date I called in the order. This allows me to wear it to the Long Island Scottish Games on August 23. It also allows me to go on vacation in the week before the games without having to sweat potential delivery issues. Fantastic service.

    Now on to the kilt. What a great garment--very well made--the quality is outstanding. I am new to PV, and am now a great fan. The fabric has a great hand, the pleating is flawless. I wasn't sure before ordering how I would react to the lighter weight, but it looks and feels great. It is quite comfortable, even in considerable heat. Truly a year-round garment.

    Pictures won't be available until after the Long Island Games on 8/23--I promise to post immediately thereafter, if not sooner.
    Thanks again to Rocky & Kelly.
    "Before two notes of the theme were played, Colin knew it was Patrick Mor MacCrimmon's 'Lament for the Children'...Sad seven times--ah, Patrick MacCrimmon of the seven dead sons....'It's a hard tune, that', said old Angus. Hard on the piper; hard on them all; hard on the world." Butcher's Broom, by Neil Gunn, 1994 Walker & Co, NY, p. 397-8.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    15th March 07
    Gilbert, Arizona
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    You teased us I thought we were going to be able to see some sweet pictures.

    Congratulations though a the new addition to your family. I look forward to seeing come pics!

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