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  1. #1
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    Lasses: a word of advice

    OK, so you don't want to wear a micro-miniskirt and five inch high heels and a laced-to-kill corset that thrusts all those parts out where you're not inclined to have them thrust.

    OK. I get that. I trust your judgement.

    Now, you trust mine.

    1.) You're a lot sexier than you think you are, and
    2.) You're a lot better looking that you think you are (good looking is not the same thing as sexy), and
    3.) Your man is wearing a kilt. He doesn't give a rip about what people are thinking about "what's under that thing?" and he's proud to be seen with YOU. If he doesn't give a rip, then why are YOU worrying your head off about what other people think? Wear what you bluidy well WANT.

    I sometimes feel like the "more mature women" here go to extreme lengths to find the most boring thing they possibly can find, in plaid, because My Gracious Heavens, what would people THINK if one square inch of skin were bared? Who gives a rip what they think? We go on and on and on, on the board about how men should wear a kilt if they want to.....yes show some sensitivity on another couples wedding day and stuff like that..... and it's about time that someone says the same thing to the lasses. Use some common sense and WEAR WHAT YOU BLUIDY WELL WANT.
    Last edited by Alan H; 25th August 08 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #2
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    ladies, do you find it appealing when a Man has his own mind, and dares to wear a kilt when he so chooses to do so? is there something about a Man who straps on a kilt, knowing full well that SOME people will stare, and SOME people will whisper, but he's rock-solid in his own masculinity enough to just be HIMSELF?

    Ah, lasses.....has it ever occurred to you that some Men, and it's likely to be the kind of Man who has enough confidence in Himself to wear a kilt if He wants to.....might LIKE...

    ...and find to be sexy and attractive....

    ...a woman who has confidence in her own self, her own attractiveness, her own femininity, to wear what SHE ruddy well wants?

    I'm not telling you to go wear an excuse for lingerie and look like a hooker at the Games. I'm telling you to Be Yourself, and not let what 'those people think" prevent you from wearing what you want to wear. You *just* might find that your Man looks at you a little bit differently, and he might not be the only one.

  3. #3
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    I like this Alan H!

  4. #4
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    Very well said.. And I do love a man in kilt.

    But I do believe it's the other way around.

  5. #5
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    I do wear what I want. Corsets and heels included (which put me just over 6 ft tall). I wear clothing that hugs my curves, but I don't show a lot of skin due to scars and other things that are reminders (and will never go away) of me being horribly overweight years ago. You will probably never see my upper thighs or my stomach even once I reach my goal weight (and yes, despite the fact that many people think I'm crazy -- I hide it very well thankfully -- I do need to lose just a bit more weight... sorry, I know what the scale and my doctor says and I want to continue being healthy after having been at my worst before. Never again).

    But yes, I do wear what I want, and I look darned good even if it's not enough for some. I may never dress like a Tilted Kilt girl, but I have to consider what I do wear that is a good fit for my body type (women are constantly having things drilled into our heads about fashion from society and the media whether or not we like it) and making sure certain areas of my skin are covered for my own confidence.

    I do wear what I like, and what my husband likes (if I agree with it, just as he does for me).

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynthia View Post

    But yes, I do wear what I want, and I look darned good even if it's not enough for some. I may never dress like a Tilted Kilt girl, but I have to consider what I do wear that is a good fit for my body type (women are constantly having things drilled into our heads about fashion from society and the media whether or not we like it) and making sure certain areas of my skin are covered for my own confidence.

    I do wear what I like, and what my husband likes (if I agree with it, just as he does for me).
    Then guid on ye, lassie!

  7. #7
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    No matter if you are a man or woman, no matter what you choose or don't choose to wear, confidence is attractive.


    Last edited by Panache; 25th August 08 at 06:19 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  8. #8
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    I agree!!!
    Last edited by sharpdressedscot; 26th August 08 at 02:40 PM.

  9. #9
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    * It's none of my business what you want or like to wear; I'm not worried about it. *
    Last edited by Bugbear; 26th August 08 at 07:20 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  10. #10
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    The only thing you left unsaid was "Here endith the lesson" ;-) This is EXACTLY what I've been saying to my female friends for a long time. I'm lucky enough to be married to a woman for 16 years who is confident, smart, and knows that she's attractive. She doesn't suffer fools and could give a flip about what others think. I couldn't be with someone that wasn't this way.

    Yep Alan--one of these days we need to meet at the games--and after--the first one's on me!

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