31st August 08, 01:27 AM
Titian and the Highland Clearances
This article - http://www.sundayherald.com/oped/opi...436841.0.0.php - raises a few questions about the morality of people nowadays enriching the architect of the clearances.
31st August 08, 03:52 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the architect of the clearances long dead?
31st August 08, 07:19 AM
Ok, I'm a little confused, and would to like more. When you say architect of the clearances, are referring to the idea of privelage, or perhaps royalty? One way or another, that seems like a lot of money he wants Scotland to put up.
31st August 08, 07:51 AM
Well I'd never heard of Titian till I read this article, so irrespective of the politics, I wouldn't want my hard earned taxes being spent on securing his paintings for the National Gallery.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
31st August 08, 08:25 AM
 Originally Posted by Birddog
Ok, I'm a little confused, and would to like more. When you say architect of the clearances, are referring to the idea of privelage, or perhaps royalty? One way or another, that seems like a lot of money he wants Scotland to put up.
Here is another take on the subject that may give more background information. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-en...ns-913933.html . In case you were not aware, The Duke of Sutherland was instrumental in dispossessing some 15,000 souls from his lands in the north of Scotland using means such as burning houses etc. and nowadays would most probably have been indicted for crimes against humanity. There is ill-feeling towards them to this day for good reason.
Last edited by Phil; 31st August 08 at 08:26 AM.
Reason: add link
31st August 08, 02:29 PM
I would certainly object to spending ~$180 million on paintings. That's just a waste of tax-payers money. If the guy wants to loan or donate them to a musuem, or if private funds can be raised, I'm all for it, but this is not important enough to justify the use of money taken from the people.
And personally, I think this whole notion of priceless art to be a bit silly. The part that is important is the image on the canvas, which we can reproduce with ease. Whether it is an original or a duplicate is only really relevant if you want to brag, or if there is some copyright issue. I say save $179,999,900.00 and just make copies and put those in a museum.
But I don't think that should have anything to do with what this guy's ancestor's relatives did 2 centuries ago. There's no justice in blaming a man for the actions of another.
31st August 08, 02:39 PM
 Originally Posted by Makeitstop
. . . .But I don't think that should have anything to do with what this guy's ancestor's relatives did 2 centuries ago. There's no justice in blaming a man for the actions of another.
Just like I cannot choose who my ancestors were, (for instance the MacLeans have a much better organized clan organization, buy a lot more tartan, hence one can get it in a greater (and less expensive) variety. But my Mother was a MacLaine. Likewise, I am not responsible for any deeds my ancestors did. The only person(s) whose actions I am responsible for is myself and my minor children (which I no longer have).
The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor
31st August 08, 04:11 PM
That's an amazing sum of money for a single piece of artwork, anyhow. $200 (100 pounds) for a single painting!?!? And we can't fund art programs in high school?
Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
“KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce
31st August 08, 09:45 PM
I am a bit torn in both directions. I can see that one cannot be held accountable for the crimes, indescretions of his ancestors, but at the same time, I can certainly understand the animosity held towards The Duke of Sutherland. Plenty of history of folks being burned out of their homes for petty reasons. Hard to say; if we don't put those thoughts behinds us, how can things move on. I personally have seen what harsh sentiments can do; Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, etc, etc. A matter of remembering history, yet moving on. By the way, I believe the overwhelming majority of the British Isles have been able to work through any animosity felt for past transgretions; please do not think that I am comparing Scotland to Bosnia in terms of how things have been delt with; simply a correlation. I don't think there is any simple answer to these things.
Now, as far as the art is concerned; I'd be miffed if some rich guy wanted my tax dollars going to pay for his stuff. Hell, you don't see me milking the tax payers to pay for that Isle of Skye I want. But now that you mention it...
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