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  1. #1
    Join Date
    26th February 07
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    First USAK casual arrived

    Hello all

    Got home late from work today and my first USAK casual had arrived, in American National tartan pleated to white stripe. I offer my "ywwv" first impression:

    The blue seems a blue/grey, noticeably darker and with less contrast than it appears on my monitor. It also lets the white stripe show much better than expected. I like the actual fabric better than my computer shows, and if I didnt, well, it would be noones fault but mine Every monitor will show colors a bit different, a good reason to either see a kilt in person of a tartan you like, or think you might like, or to order a swatch of fabric.
    To me fabric is closer to worsted wool than acrylic SWK and feels more "solid", pleats hang a bit better and are sewn down, not as light feeling as the SWK economy.
    Pleats are folded accurately and straight, permapleat stitching is straight and barely noticeable. I thought at first Rocky forgot that part entirely, I was looking for stitching on the inside of the pleats instead.
    Fit is great, the velcro may spoil me. Length too is right on.
    Has the small beltloops, but seem just right on this kilt. I thought I had ordered the 3" option, but no big deal either way.

    I will update in a few days after more wear time, got home late and only had time to try it on for a few minutes.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    23rd August 08
    Displaced 3rd generation Californian now residing in the "old" State of Jefferson, USA
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    Sounds like a good start. Look forward to hearing how it wears, and a photo or two.
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by zeeew View Post
    To me fabric is closer to worsted wool than acrylic SWK and feels more "solid", pleats hang a bit better and are sewn down, not as light feeling as the SWK economy.
    Congrats on the new kilt. I look forward to a picture or two.

    The Martin Mills PV USA Kilts uses is nothing like acrylic. The weave is much tighter so the material has a more solid feel, as zeeew stated, and is more durable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I definately agree that the colors are much better in person. I ordered a swatch and that sold me. The website pics seem washed out. I have a semi-traditional in Hunting MacLeod (Harris), pleated to the sett. The blue is very dark and the green is a rich cool shade (no brown to it).

    The PV is a nice tight weave and has good drape and swing in my opinion. I haven't worn it much yet. The wedding I bought it for is in a couple weeks, after that I plan to give it some more use, but the few times I've worn it, any wrinkles have hung out and the pleats have stayed sharp.

  5. #5
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    Happy Kiltday Zeeew

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wore the kilt all day today. Around the house, a hard day of hide and seek, tag, etc with the nephews and nieces at moms bday party, some time in the car, etc.
    Velcro is plenty secure and infinitely adjustable, perfect after a good meal. A little tricky to attach without getting wrinkles, but works great.
    Hangs well, sewn down pleats and permapleats keep the "kilt look" going after sitting a while. Also seems to breathe quite a bit better than the wool kilt, wasnt overly warm even after getting my butt whipped in tag. No matter how many times we play tag, kids still have more energy than I. Will be a great casual kilt, kudos to Rocky and Kelly!

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