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Thread: Two Questions

  1. #1
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    Two Questions

    1: Can I wear a traditional 8 yard kilt for an every day purpose? Like this : http://www.scotweb.co.uk/sr_swhdr_eightyardkilt for example.
    Or is it perhaps too fancy? I'm looking for a kilt similar to this one, but that I can wear every day.

    2: Can I wear a full dress sporran for an every day purpose aswell?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    QUESTION #1: Yes, you can wear an 8 yard kilt everyday. This is what most of did (and still continue to do) before less expensive kilts became generally available.

    QUESTION #2: You would be better off with a plain leather sporran for everyday wear, as this will prevent wear and tear on your dress sporran. Dress sporrans cost money and it is better to preserve them for more formal occasions.

  3. #3
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    This is how I dress every day:

    Hand-sewn 8 yard kilt; leather belt and sporran strap; day wear sporran (Buzz Kidder in the picture); kilt hose. It's quite comfortable and acceptable for everyday wear. Full dress sporrans are considered evening/dress wear.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    QUESTION #1: Yes, you can wear an 8 yard kilt everyday. This is what most of did (and still continue to do) before less expensive kilts became generally available.

    QUESTION #2: You would be better off with a plain leather sporran for everyday wear, as this will prevent wear and tear on your dress sporran. Dress sporrans cost money and it is better to preserve them for more formal occasions.
    I agree whole heartedly! That is what the kilt is made for! To have and not wear is a sin! As for the sporran I agree also, a plain leather would be best or a hunting sporran if you want a little fancier look.
    J. Robinson
    Just your average kilt wearing redneck.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    QUESTION #1: Yes, you can wear an 8 yard kilt everyday. This is what most of did (and still continue to do) before less expensive kilts became generally available.

    QUESTION #2: You would be better off with a plain leather sporran for everyday wear, as this will prevent wear and tear on your dress sporran. Dress sporrans cost money and it is better to preserve them for more formal occasions.
    I couldn't have said it any better.
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  6. #6
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    This my usual daily wear, unless I have services etc. of course.

  7. #7
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    I believe that the accessories you wear with your tartan kilt will determine whether it's formal, casual, rugged: jackets, pins, hose, shoes, waistcoats or tshirts, leather sporran/fur sporran...etc.

    So my personal opinion is that your 13 or 16 oz wool tartan kilt can be used for any setting with the right accessories.

    It's best to wear the leather sporran during the daytime. Fur sporran for evening. But I think if you're the only one kilted at any event you can get away with either at anytime because people (non-kilties) wouldn't know about it anyway.
    Last edited by meinfs; 12th September 08 at 02:54 PM. Reason: extra

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnar View Post
    1: Can I wear a traditional 8 yard kilt for an every day purpose? Like this : http://www.scotweb.co.uk/sr_swhdr_eightyardkilt for example.
    Or is it perhaps too fancy? I'm looking for a kilt similar to this one, but that I can wear every day.
    It's a good kilt for everyday wear.

    2: Can I wear a full dress sporran for an every day purpose aswell?
    Some would say no. I've found that a plain leather sporran works best. Also the Rob Roy type seems to carry all I need.
    Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
    Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
    Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
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  9. #9
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    Like native Scots, I only wear the kilt for traditional, or special Scottish events, i.e. Hogmanay, games, Burn's Supper, St. Andrew's Day and of course Tartan Day which means on average eight times a year.

    Wearing the kilt is very special to my family and I was taught that men who wear it just to wear it are looking for attention.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnar View Post
    1: Can I wear a traditional 8 yard kilt for an every day purpose? Like this : http://www.scotweb.co.uk/sr_swhdr_eightyardkilt for example.
    Or is it perhaps too fancy?
    Gunnar, are your referring to the kilt itself or the image on Scotweb's site? If the kilt, yes. The 8-yard wool kilt is the best-fitting, most comfortable garment you can possibly wear from the waist down. If, however, you are referring to the image on the Scotweb site, no, it is too formal for day wear and will make you look like you are wearing a costume, which you are not. Your accompanying sporran should suit the occasion.

    Marblemap, you said: Like native Scots, I only wear the kilt for traditional, or special Scottish events....

    ...and I was taught that men who wear it just to wear it are looking for attention.

    First of all, there are many men in Scotland today who wear the kilt daily (me being one of them) and many others who wear it in non-work situations -- their weekend attire, in other words. Regarding your second point, for sure there are those who wear it to draw attention to themselves, just as you do on your "special" occasions. But I suspect you will now hear a rant or two from those of us who wear it because we have always worn it, or because it is hugely comfortable, or because our pride in it far outweighs the opinions of others.

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