The Latest From Russet Lodge
Well, as many of you know I closed my waiting list several months ago due to high order volume and long wait time. I have continued to receive emails from people wishing to order and saying they don't mind the wait, so I have decided to re-open my waiting list. Please be advised the wait time is currently about a year. I am doing my best to cut down on that, but please don't order with a special event on a specific date in mind. I can't promise you anything except a spot on the list that I will get to as quickly as someone with a full-time job, carpal tunnel issues, recent car accident issues, and only two hands can accomplish.
ETA: I don't want anybody thinking I'm doing this to advertise. With a waiting list as long as I have, I really don't need any more orders. I just know a lot of folks are more likely to see this here instead of on my blog.
Last edited by unaspenser; 9th November 08 at 07:03 PM.
The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip To laud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let that aye be your border. - Robert Burns