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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    That didn't take long!

    FlamingoKilts.biz was registered less than a month ago and has been online for perhaps 3 weeks. In today's e-mail, I received:

    SUBJECT: Regarding Kilts

    Dear Sir,
    Perhaps, you have heard our name as being manufacturers and exporters of various kinds of Kilts, Accessories & Bagpiper.

    We are exporting our Kilts to various brands in Europe we are working in this field since 1976.

    We are manufacturing in these tartans.
    Royal Stewart, Black Stewart, Solid Black, Campbell, Douglas, Mackanzie, Wallace, Thomson Camel, Macdonald, Gordon, Cotton Kilts, Fashon Kilts, Sports Kilts & Sporrans.

    Currently, we are producing Kilts, Accessories & Bagpiper etc. We are in a position to supply Kilts of your choice, material and desings. In case you are interested in any specific Kilts of your choice, please let us know of your choice may be furnished to you. Please let us know your interest so that all necessary informations may be provided to you.

    Looking forward to your early response, we remain, with our best regards.

    Ms Malaika (Director Marketing)
    M/s. Onstyle Sports.
    (Sialkot - Pakistan)


    Perhaps they noticed that I have yet to post my own kilt details. . . but failed to notice the "hand-crafted in US" proviso! I will say that their English is undoubtedly better than my Pakistani

    The owner of another forum asked, so I'll share what I told him. I have decided to offer only RK-pleat kilts and am putting final touches on the design. I hope to have photos, measurement data, ordering instructions and so forth posted after Thanksgiving.

    Meantime there are lots of in-stock cuffs posted, I'm working up several custom orders and sending out color charts! [/shameless self-promotion]
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    That is RK as in reverse Kingussie?

    It is the design I settled on some years ago, after trying various options, including the Kingussie, and I have not been tempted to try any other style for my everyday kilts.

    I have some fabric that I want to make into something posh and the box pleat or military box pleat have suggested themselves, but - I don't know if they will ever materialise or if it will be the RK all the way.

    Anne the Pleater

  3. #3
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    I get e-mails all the time from them about bagpipes -- and I don't even have a store!

    Best thing to do is "Mark as Spam" and forget about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    They used to make adaptive outerwear, just like us. At least that is what they told us they could do. They were even willing to make it just like ours, all we needed to do was send samples. I do recall the use of the word 'cripples' in their inquiry.

    Institutio postulo novus informatio supersto
    Proudly monkeying with tradition since 1967.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sydnie7 View Post
    Perhaps, you have heard our name as being manufacturers and exporters of various kinds of Kilts, Accessories & Bagpiper.
    Currently, we are producing Kilts, Accessories & Bagpiper etc.
    So, exactly how does one go about manufacturing and exporting bagpipers?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    So, exactly how does one go about manufacturing and exporting bagpipers?
    Caught that, but also noted that their English is STILL better than my Pakistani.

    Problem with manufacturing bagpipers is, if you haven't had much practice at it, they sound. . . well. . . unpracticed!
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    So, exactly how does one go about manufacturing and exporting bagpipers?
    That was actually going to be my comment!!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    So, exactly how does one go about manufacturing and exporting bagpipers?

    Ooooh... pricey.
    "A true adventurer goes forth, aimless and uncalculating, to meet and greet unknown fate." ~ Domino Harvey ~
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    So, exactly how does one go about manufacturing and exporting bagpipers?
    They had those Peruvian Pan Pipe players on South Park, which Pan Pipe by name denotes Greco-roman Pan. Though I cringe to think of seeing Pakistani Bagpipers on every street corner....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    That is RK as in reverse Kingussie?
    I for one hope so, as the name is very close to my brand name RKilts or as some on this board refer to my kilts as RK

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