Hi Folks,
I wanted to let you all know about some upcoming events of the Scottish Society of the Inland Empire:

1st, We are set to march in the Yucaipa Christmas Parade on December 13. Anyone who wants to don their kilt and join us is welcome. We will meet at the corner of California and Avenue D in Yucaipa, between 9:00 and 11:00 am. We are number 71 in line so you can find us by either looking at the numbers on the street or by finding all the people in Kilts. Please, feel free to join us even if you are not members. We welcome everyone.

2nd, Our Second Annual Robert Burns Supper is on January 24th. Please log onto our calendar page to get information. http://iescots.com/default.aspx
or Email Bob Leeton at ipabob@earthlink.net for reservations.
This year we were able to lower the price which is always nice. We will be having an even better Burns Supper than last and that one was great. We hope to see lots of folks there.

Aaron Creighton
Scottish Society of the Inland Empire