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  1. #1
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    Adjusting Waist size?

    I got my kilt for christmas. It turns out my aunt had it lying around, and when I expressed an intrest in getting one, she found it. I love it, but I have a bit of a problem.

    My waist size is approximately 28-29 inches. The kilt was designed for someone with a 32 inch waist. I can wear it fine with a belt, but if I attend anything formal I'll have nothing to keep my kilt up in the right place. Is there any (easy, preferably) way to adjust the size of the kilt to fit me a little better? I'm not exactly sure how big it is when it's fastened on the smallest hole, but if I fasten it there and wear it, in a few minutes it's resting on my hips and falling to below my knees!

  2. #2
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    Easiest way is to move the buckles. But difference of 2-3 inches is maybe to much. If this is no go, then you have to kilt a part (at least a part of it) and make dipper reverse pleat on the left side of apron.

    Maybe some other more experienced member will have more ideas.

    Good luck!
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  3. #3
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    PM BarbT or MACNewsome - they are both great with advice.


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  4. #4
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    4" is a fair amount, but it's do-able. You have to remove the buckles from the apron (fringe) edge). Just snip the stitching on the cloth tabs holding the buckles, move the buckles toward the center back, and stitch them back on. When you stitch them back on, stitch through as many thicknesses as you can without going all the way through to the lining.

    You _don't_ move the underapron buckle (the one next to the buttonhole). Instead, you move the underapron _strap_ toward the center of the underapron. This lets the extra underapron wrap to the left around your body and still have the strap go through the buttonhole at the right place. Just snip the stitches on the underapron strap, move it toward the center of the underapron the same amount that you moved the apron buckles, and stitch it back on.
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  5. #5
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    Wear braces (suspenders?) under your formal jacket and/or waistcoat (vest).
    Saves you possibly damaging your kilt and you will grow into it, trust me. I used to have a 30" waist in my 20's... I haven't now

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Wear braces (suspenders?) under your formal jacket and/or waistcoat (vest).
    Saves you possibly damaging your kilt and you will grow into it, trust me. I used to have a 30" waist in my 20's... I haven't now
    Actually, moving the buckles doesn't damage the kilt or change its size permanently, so it's a dandy alternative to having the kilt altered, and it's completely reversible when your waistline expands. Suspenders are OK, but a kilt just doesn't hang right when you wear suspenders. The suspenders kind of pull up on the front of the kilt and give you that "farmer john" look.
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
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  7. #7
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    I bow to your greater experience Barb. I'm just a ham fisted, scaredy cat and would probably wreck my kilt if I had a go. Thanks for the correction though.

  8. #8
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    On the same topic... in reverse. My Geoffrey Tailor was custom-made when my youthful form was a bit more.... firm. My waist line has expanded a bit and my kild is now rather .... snug. ( I like to think the kilt shrunk.)

    Would reversing the instructions posted above (provided there is enough room) work to let our the waist a bit?

  9. #9
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    It would certainly work, but you run into two problems. First, you may not be able to move the underapron strap over enough. Strap extenders are a solution. Second, you can't move the apron edge buckles too far before the underapron starts to show along the fringe edge. Unlike moving the buckles the other way, it's pretty obvious that the kilt doesn't fit properly ('cause you see the unpleated apron). At that point, it's better to let the kilt out.

    But, lot's of kiltmakers build in a little extra to allow this to happen, so, if it's just a little snug, moving the buckles is a great solution. If you have to move the buckles out of the pleats and into the underapron area, it's time for either a new kilt, or a bit of alteration (of either you or the kilt!).
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
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  10. #10
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    Thanks for the response.

    I should probably try taking myself in a bit . It would be far less complicated. There is a Store in my are that does kilt rentals and even makes them. Perhaps they would be willing to take on such a task.

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