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  1. #1
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    Molly has gone to jail

    I have been so very bad.
    I made my master very mad
    I just ate his favroite pillow.
    Why is he not being mellow?

    He does not want me on his chair,
    He does not want me in his hair,
    He does not want me in his face,
    He does not want me any place.

    If I eat another shoe.
    He will beat me black and blue,
    If I eat another hat,
    He will beat me with a bat.

    If I eat another couch,
    He will make me holler ouch,
    If I eat another chair,
    He will pull out my all hair.

    I also have a nasty habit
    of barking at the friendly rabits.
    He does not want me on his lap
    when he wants to take a nap.

    If I eat another book,
    He will hang me from hook.
    If I shread another sporran and its belt
    He will shave me to the pelt.

    If I give any lip
    He will beat me with a whip
    He just took me by the tail.
    and threw me into doggie jail!

    Molly is a 3 year old lab her current score is 1 leather couch cushion, the arm of a leather chair, 1 leather sporran, 17 pairs of my wifes and my shoes, 2hats, and at least 15 books.

    She is sitting beside me in a wire kennel (doggie jail) where she will be spending quite a while considering her misdeeds.

    Yes she DOES know better because she sneaks things into the yard or garage to destroy them

    Last edited by Weasel Mender; 19th January 09 at 11:18 PM.

  2. #2
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    We're the second owners of our dog, so we missed that delightful phase.

  3. #3
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    Wow. At this point, I would probably be asking Molly if she knows what kabobs are.

    Sounds like you have your hands full.

    Good luck with that,
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  4. #4
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Makes owning a cat seem more attractive, eh? LOL

  5. #5
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    I have a Black Lab/Border Collie mix..it could be worse....trust me!
    "There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
    ~Christopher Morley

  6. #6
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    Oh, man...

    That reminds me of my lab when he was a pup...but mine was much worse...lol

    Crate training was a godsend. That and a great human trainer (there are no bad dogs, only bad owners...)

    We now have 3 dogs, the lab and 2 Westies. We would have our hands full.

    The crates were never used as punishment. All 3 have their own little "dens" that they can usually be found hanging out or sleeping in with the door wide open.

    It's hard at first with their pittiful whining, but it gets better.

    Good luck, and stay strong.


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  7. #7
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    I wish you luck.

    Our recently departed basset mix had a rough start to life, so she was eager to please. Her one fault was a penchant for 'perfume'. She had a life list of odors to try. After 13 years, I believe she was unable to cross off Musk Ox, Polar Bear, and Warthog.

    Everything else graced our noses.

    Right now, our Border Collie is testing each one of our son's toys.

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  8. #8
    BEEDEE's Avatar
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    If you haven't already, go see Marley and Me

    It really sums up what Labs can do! (and what else you are in for).


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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt View Post
    Makes owning a cat seem more attractive, eh? LOL
    Nothing makes owning a cat attractive.

    Labs are like that. They eat/chew/mangle almost anything for the first three years or so.

    On the other hand, few breeds are as likable as Labs. Nor are they as easy to train, etc. They have great personalities, and they will be quite loyal.

    My old yellow lab was a real pussy cat unless another dog came near me. Then he would place himself between us, and if the offender didn't get the message, he would turn into a real tiger. None of this came out until he was about 6 years old.

    Your dog probably doesn't understand why she is in doggie jail, but as soon as you let her out, she'll just love the heck out of you. I'll bet she's sitting there looking at you with her tongue out, thinking, 'Hey, want to chase a ball? Want to go for a walk? Want to eat? . . .'

    Better get her some exercise and some chew toys, and buy that stuff that tastes bad and spray it all over the house!

    Good luck.
    Last edited by thescot; 20th January 09 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Spelling correction
    Jim Killman
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  10. #10
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    She's bored.

    Labradors are intellegent, bred as working dogs, and they need to be kept busy.

    They can run around for hours and still not feel that they have had a day well spent if they are not interacting with people, fetching and finding stuff.

    I was never as thin as when I had my black labrador, 'Blue'. I really got a lot of exercise looking after him. He was not often bored, though he did chew a few things - one was the tortoise, but at least he didn't do much harm as I always knew that he was up to something when it was too quiet.

    They do mature later than many other types of dog, so your three year old is still about a teenager. She should settle down a bit in a few years, though my Blue never really understood that he was simply too big to sit on a lap.

    Anne the Pleater

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