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  1. #1
    Join Date
    12th December 07
    Fort Howard, Maryland
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    Question for Maryland Rabble

    Hey Gents,

    Has anyone ever been to An Pointin Still in Timonium, MD? If so, are they kilt friendly? A friend of mine has been there a few times and has never seen anyone in a kilt there before. There's always a first time though!
    I've attached a link for the place, if anyone is interested.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    31st December 05
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    I have been there, Kilted and non kilted. Very friendly place for all. Great food. Great atmosphere. My wife and I were talking the other night about going there the next time we wanted authentic Irish cuisine. Maybe a good place for a kilt night? How about it?

    Locals call it "The Stil"
    Last edited by Frank McGrath; 21st February 09 at 02:35 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    15th May 08
    Near Frederick, Maryland
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    I have also been there, not kilted. Food is good, nice place, but tends to get crowded quick in the evening. Maybe a kilt afternoon? Although, there is a rock climbing place nearby that has a Friday night activity for my children. Hmm...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fort Howard, Maryland
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    Thanks guys, I will definately check it out then. A kilt night/day would be nice. I'll look into it and get back to both of you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by svc40bt View Post
    I have also been there, not kilted. Food is good, nice place, but tends to get crowded quick in the evening. Maybe a kilt afternoon? Although, there is a rock climbing place nearby that has a Friday night activity for my children. Hmm...
    For a horrible moment I thought you were going to take to the rock climbing wall in the kilt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Frederick/Hagerston area, Maryland
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    "For a horrible moment I thought you were going to take to the rock climbing wall in the kilt."

    Laffin, reminds me of what I think anytime someone wants to know if I wear the kilt to work. Sometimes kilt's are not appropriate and tower work is one of them!

    I haven't been here, but I'm always on the prowl for a new pub. Especially an Irish pub! If anyone is up for a Kilt night I might be willing to make a go of it. I'm about an hour and a half away (Hagerstown area), but would make the trip if it were on the weekend. The first part of March will be busy, but after St Patrick's day, it might be possible. If anyone sets a date, post it in the Kilt Night's forum and let me know!

    The Kilted Ref

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