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  1. #1
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    Our 4 day trip ...

    Elaine was gigging with the band she is a member of in Lorient in Brittany on Sat eve. The band is headed by Dan Ar Braz. There are seven of them. Elaine is the vocalist. So we tagged along for the ride, setting off extremely early Fri morning and returning back home Mon eve. We had a fab time and had a laugh from the time we started until the time we got home.
    Anyhow, here are lots of pics from our adventure.
    It was early to start, the station was deserted and so was the train.

    En route and the sun came up

    We were soon at London Paddington 7.30am
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  2. #2
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    Then we took off to London St Pancras, to catch the Eurostar direct to Paris. It was there we met our other partner in crime for our adventure.
    We had time to spare so had a coffee.

    Settling in on the Eurostar and checking cameras are all 'a' ok

    On this train and the French TGV's Elaine had got us a special offer on first class ... so we took it
    Breakfast was soon served .. it was delicious

    After we were given complimentary champagne

    Which suited his lordship, as you can see
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  3. #3
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    Two hours later and we were at Paris Gare du Nord ... heres the Eurostar

    We then had to make our way to Paris Montparnasse station. Again we had time to spare, so Ham insisted we chilled out with a beer

    Then we went to the station to sort outselves out

    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  4. #4
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    We soon settled in on the train and after a while all took a nap because it was a four hour journey to Lorient.

    It was dark again by the time we were getting near Lorient

    Then a quick chill out as we were settling in our hotel

    Then at about 9.30pm, we took off to a lovely restaurant and had a nice leisurely meal, with wine and beer off course. Soon it was midnightish and we were all ready for a good nights sleep
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  5. #5
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    The following morning we all wanted to visit the 2nd world war German U Boat Pens. So Ham took control and as you can see and was soon busy sorting what bus we were to catch

    The pens are an amazing structure and still stand after all the heavy bombing they received

    After having a good look around we went to a yatching museum close by where Ham insisted we used the cafe and have a drink

    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  6. #6
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    Then we visited a market and then once again Ham insisted we all better eat and have a drink. So we did.

    Elaine had to leave us then because she was being picked up from the hotel to go off to soundcheck etc for the gig ... also she was staying in another hotel that night with the rest of the band and organisers.
    As we approached one square, they were getting ready for a parade to celebrate the bretons association with ireland.

    There were lots of Breton Tartans

    Ham too was wearing a Breton Tartan and soon got into conversation, although I will let him tell you what it was ... it is amazing

    Then we all took off to the bar next to our hotel to watch the six nations .. italy v wales in Rome ... Wales won
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  7. #7
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    We then had a wash and brush up and then caught another bus to the concert.
    The gig was great ... loads o people .. we managed to secure a seat up in a balcony with about 800 others .. downstairs it was standing

    Elaine signing a few autos

    And a quick pic with our very old friend Dave Pegg ex Jethro Tull .. he doesnt live far from Lorient
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  8. #8
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    Next morning we were up early and met Elaine back at the station. It was a glorious morning.

    We were soon underway and chilling out

    Back in Paris, we took a taxi to our next hotel
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  9. #9
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    At the hotel we soon checked in at 1.45pm.

    Then we headed off for the rest of the day

    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  10. #10
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    Just before reaching Notre Dame we were mobbed

    Inside Notre Dame

    Han was exhausted and insisted on going for another drink and sit down. A little cafe by Notre Dame

    Then onwards to the Latin Quarter

    Ham was hungry by now so we went to another restaurant for food and drink in the latin quarter
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

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