20th April 09, 07:48 AM
A Wider front apron than a Utilikilt...?
The title pretty much sums it up. I'm looking for a contemporary kilt, and I love my UK Original, except for the fact that the front apron is very narrow. Somehow, I can't seem to get over that. For my next contemp. kilt, I'm considering something other than another UK (although another UK would be fine too)... So, my question to the rabble is:
Does anyone have a good suggestion for a product that fits like, feels like, and somewhat looks like a UK, except that the front apron might be wider -- like on a traditional kilt? (Well, it doesn't have to be AS wide, but certainly wider than the UK models)...
20th April 09, 08:19 AM
Have you look at the Freedom Kilt's cargo model? Or at Alphakilts? They both seem to have a wider apron, while retaining the casual look. I don't have personal experience with either, but a FK casual is going to be one of my next two kilts... eventually. Grrr, stupid weight. Off to do more pushups.
I've got a mocker & an original. I find the apron on the mocker much too narrow (to the point that I rarely wear it because of it) and the one on the original almost acceptable, but would love another inch or 3 wider.
20th April 09, 08:56 AM
Flamingo Kilts will make you one at your direction.
20th April 09, 09:09 AM
Daron at Alphakilts is great to work with check them out, they may have what your looking for in a wider apron.
20th April 09, 09:48 AM
Alpha Kilts and USA Kilts definitely have wider aprons. Union Kilts do not.
20th April 09, 10:21 AM
I am going to second the Freedom kilts, Steve has a good looking
Kilt line, and you get your wider apron for sure.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
20th April 09, 03:00 PM
RKilts - you can go with either the 7/8ths wide apron of Robert's original deisgn, or with the full apron of the Mark 5.
20th April 09, 03:49 PM
If you're feeling crafty, you can always make a RevK x-kilt with however wide an apron you'd like.
20th April 09, 04:58 PM
Of the wider aprons, I would recommend RKilts, but bear in mind that non tartan (wool or PV) fabric will not cause the apron to drape between your legs while sitting very well (which is why I still prefer my UKs).
20th April 09, 05:24 PM
All good suggestions, guys. Flamingo might be a good bet -- pretty customizable, good price, (unfortunate name -- sorry - just my opinion)...
I also ran across Amerikilts. Can't say I care for their "sporran" but that's easily detachable. Seems that their front apron is pretty narrow too though by the pics. Wide than UK I think though. UK's apron edge essentially runs between the legs, whereas Amerikilts' edge seems to fall square on top of the knee. Am I right in that assessment? Otherwise, any opinions on them as far as other criteria go? (quality, fit, etc)...
BTW. The reason why I was hoping for a wider apron is because I really like the look that kilt pins add to a kilt -- something that's impossible to accomplish with a UK..
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