Practical jokes that go over the line..
I was just wondering if anyone has had something happen where a person played a joke on you and while they thought it was funny, you thought it crossed the line. Me and another teacher were playing some funny little jokes on each other today. Then, he thought it would be hilarious to go and take my lunch/dinner (I have two jobs and pack enough food to keep me going from lunchtime at 12:00 until I leave to go home at 8:00 pm) and eat it. He did this at 9:30 in morning. Plus he told all his students that he had MY lunch and started handing things out of it to them. I know some people might find that really funny, but I did not. I was fuming the rest of the day (And now I am at my night job with an empty stomach). I knew that I had to keep my mouth shut or I would say something I would regret.
I was wondering if anyone else has had something like this happen to them (specifically at work, but not necessary for you to share) that they would like to share. Maybe have a time for group venting.
Last edited by bricelythgoe; 20th May 09 at 04:38 PM.
All the time. I'm the kilt wearin weirdo who likes cars they don't like.
Usually jokes relating to my preferences in life - which aren't remotely accurate. Ill leave it at that.
Stealing someone's food is definitely on the scale of do not go there. Period. I'd definitely have a nasty disposition.
Brice, I'm thinking you need to give him a call and ask when he is delivering dinner. Explaining that you forgot to ask before you left earlier. Maybe even give him an order for what you want...t-bone steak, baked potato and veggies of your choice.
 Originally Posted by bricekolob
(And know I am t my night job with an empty stomach).
Call him at home, make him bring you food!
I once had my phone number and a message written on the back of my car. I drove all the way to work without seeing it, I was a little ticked. Another joke that got played on me that I found clever. My car covered in postitnotes pinata style. 
Oh and many many I can not tell about...
So we filled his bedroom with 1000 balloons.

Then filled his bedroom with 500 lbs of shredded paper. He was mad about that one. I took it to far that time... Hence we haven't played a trick on each other since...
If I am going to be really honest, I don't know of a practical joke that is funny for everybody. For it to work, someone has to be the butt of the joke and it is never really funny for them. It is bad enough in a random type setting - the old candid camera type of thing. But when co-workers are involved there will be bad blood for years. People will remember the bad reaction to the stupid action, but never remember the stupid action that started it. In the worse case scenarios, people get hurt or scarred for life. I do not like practical jokes in any form.
 Originally Posted by Dan R Porter
Then filled his bedroom with 500 lbs of shredded paper. He was mad about that one. I took it to far that time... Hence we haven't played a trick on each other since...
And you say you are not devious....
 Originally Posted by Chas
If I am going to be really honest, I don't know of a practical joke that is funny for everybody. For it to work, someone has to be the butt of the joke and it is never really funny for them. It is bad enough in a random type setting - the old candid camera type of thing. But when co-workers are involved there will be bad blood for years. People will remember the bad reaction to the stupid action, but never remember the stupid action that started it. In the worse case scenarios, people get hurt or scarred for life. I do not like practical jokes in any form.
Wow. I never thought of it that way.
I feel that messing with someones food or vehicle is is really off limits.. At my work, we mess with each other all the time.. One guy had his hard hat filled with water and put in the freezer.. So the next day it was solid ice.. Or putting dead snakes in guys gang boxes, especially the one afraid of snakes.... Greasing tools... Making mail boxes for guys who spend too much time on a single task...locking guys in the portajohns.... And the rest of regular contruction site gags.. But we never mess with each others food.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
20th May 09, 05:56 PM
Practical jokes ALWAYS end up going too far and someone gets hurt/POd. Where's the fun in that??
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