20th June 09, 08:17 AM
First a seal ban, now a new sporran threat.
Here is the latest attack on full faced rubber chicken sporran owners.
 Originally Posted by Ottawa
Chemical ban targets toys, rubber duckies
Phthalate additives that are used to soften plastic now linked to hormone disruption, health issues
Is this a tit for tat, "you ban our sealskin sporrans we'll make sure you'll never display your rubber chicken sporran"? I think so! And who is a victim in all of this? Me, a Canadian! What say you rabble? All of you grab your rubber chicken sporrans (yes I know you all have one hidden in the back of the closet, under your bed or in your dog's hamper), cast away your more expensive acryli-beast sporrans because we're marching on Parliment, lads (& lasses).
Last edited by ccga3359; 20th June 09 at 08:25 AM.
20th June 09, 08:20 AM
I'm with you, I plan on wearing this:
20th June 09, 08:28 AM
May I be the first to say that I'm not surprised the full mask rubber chicken sporran is toxic?
20th June 09, 08:32 AM
In my blind fury in inadvertandly forgot to add "rubber chicken" tags so that it is easily found. Mods please fix my absent-mindedness and in big curly script.
You know the poster-child pic:
20th June 09, 08:36 AM
I probably shouldn't encourage you, but...
have you considered getting it a kilt of its own?
20th June 09, 08:42 AM
Simply an absolute outrage Grant - We may have to consider smuggling the little darlings in through the always porous Idaho/Canada border.
20th June 09, 09:00 AM
will that affect my collection i wonder 
"oh noooo"
20th June 09, 10:23 AM
This is outrageous! I had no idea the ban would affect rubber chicken sporrans! My rubber duckie I can do without, if I must, but this makes me want to get a rubber chicken sporran like Grant's all the more, if only just to spite Ottawa! (No offence to the X-markers from Ottawa ).
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
20th June 09, 12:07 PM
Read the article and finally understood why Grant is like he is.
Inside the body, phthalates mimic natural hormones, throwing off normal development.
Science has also shown that exposure in early life can have health consequences in adult life.
So banning rubber chickens is probably a good thing, but too late for Grant.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
20th June 09, 12:41 PM
 Originally Posted by BEEDEE
Read the article and finally understood why Grant is like he is.
So banning rubber chickens is probably a good thing, but too late for Grant.
It's not just Grant......

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