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  1. #1
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    Proper dress for piping at a funeral

    Dear Ms [strike]Manners[/strike]* XMarks.

    Being of good taste yet empty wallet, I only have one properly made Scottish wool kilt, and that is in Black Watch Dress (the one with a fair amount of white in it.)

    When piping at a funeral, that is the kilt that I wear since I consider my more casual-but-darker kilts inappropriate for such a function. I normally wear black hose and a black button up shirt with no tie.

    (I should mention that these are funerals for friends and family Because of my poor health I have not taken on any paid functions.)

    My Lady, steeped in Old World tradition, believes that the white in my kilt is too flashy for funerals. While we both agree that something like Steward Black would be a wonderful choice, I have to be realistic.

    So Ms Xmarks, I cast the question at you.

    Is it better to wear a properly tailored Black Watch Dress kilt, or would I be better off getting an inexpensive Night Stalker or other "dark" kilt?

    *What do you mean BBCode doesn't have a strike tag?

  2. #2
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    Well, I don't think the B/W Dress tartan is 'too flashy'. If you like the Steward Black, one can be had for about the same price as the Nightstalker, from the same vendor.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  3. #3
    Phogfan86's Avatar
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    I feel your pain, financially, brother.

    You want to look your best, first and foremost. I don't think a Black Watch Dress is "flashy" at all. It's not MacLeod, after all. I've played a couple of funerals, and I've worn my MacDuff Red Modern. Why? It's the nicest kilt I have, and it looks really sharp. No one said a word.

    I think you work with what you have. I think most folks at funerals are focused on other things, and most of the folks who take notice of you will assume you know what you're doing, including in the area of dress.

    But if you feel awkward or uncomfortable, you've got enough on your plate without having to worry about what people think about your kilt. I think a SWK standard Night Stalker or Black Watch or maybe a heavyweight Black Watch would be perfectly fine. I was going to suggest a heavyweight black shadow, but Jerry doesn't seem to have any in stock.
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  4. #4
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    I would wear the best kilt you have for a funeral, the white lines would in my estimation not be too flashy. In fact I was at a memorial service a few years ago wearing the MacPherson Red, nobody said it is too flashy and as you can guess it is far flashier a tartan than the Black Watch dress.

  5. #5
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    Photos from the funeral of the late Chief John MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod:


    Note that many of the attendees are not wearing a "mourning tartan" (i.e. one with subdued colours), but the standard MacLeod tartans.



  6. #6
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    I wouldnt consider it too flashy unless the tartan was brightly-based or was more than half of a bright colour.
    By the way - do many of you go kilted to funerals? I have only been to a couple but I think it would be good if I could wear my kilt (Campbell Ancient - Black Watch Ancient) to funerals with a black Argyll, black hose, black ghillie brogues and black shirt (or white shirt with black tie) and not "stand out" as being "unacceptable". I would be honored if people attended my funeral kilted and I want to be buried kilted... although not for another 60+ years I hope!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul. View Post
    I wouldnt consider it too flashy unless the tartan was brightly-based or was more than half of a bright colour.
    By the way - do many of you go kilted to funerals? I have only been to a couple but I think it would be good if I could wear my kilt (Campbell Ancient - Black Watch Ancient) to funerals with a black Argyll, black hose, black ghillie brogues and black shirt (or white shirt with black tie) and not "stand out" as being "unacceptable". I would be honored if people attended my funeral kilted and I want to be buried kilted... although not for another 60+ years I hope!
    No, kilts to a funeral is unusual, unless you are a piper. And I don't wear a kilt to a funeral unless I plan on piping. (Not that I'd be opposed to the idea, but when I'm in kilt and -not- piping it adds disappointment to an already emotional day....)

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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Note that many of the attendees are not wearing a "mourning tartan" (i.e. one with subdued colours), but the standard MacLeod tartans.
    Thank you much for that link...

    And thank you e'eryone for the input and encouragement. I'll wear my Black Watch Dress with confidence at such events in the future.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy j starche View Post
    No, kilts to a funeral is unusual, unless you are a piper. And I don't wear a kilt to a funeral unless I plan on piping. (Not that I'd be opposed to the idea, but when I'm in kilt and -not- piping it adds disappointment to an already emotional day....)
    okay... thanks for clearing that up!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul. View Post
    I wouldnt consider it too flashy unless the tartan was brightly-based or was more than half of a bright colour.
    By the way - do many of you go kilted to funerals? I have only been to a couple but I think it would be good if I could wear my kilt (Campbell Ancient - Black Watch Ancient) to funerals with a black Argyll, black hose, black ghillie brogues and black shirt (or white shirt with black tie) and not "stand out" as being "unacceptable". I would be honored if people attended my funeral kilted and I want to be buried kilted... although not for another 60+ years I hope!
    I've worn a kilt to a few funerals, I've had nothing but compliments. In fact the last funeral I went to was for a co workers wife. I wore something similar to the photo, the family thanked my for wearing it. She was born in Glasgow and so her family were happy to see the kilt. Nobody thought it was out of place.

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