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  1. #1
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    Piper's Ghillie Brogues

    Does anybody own any of these "Piper's" GBs advertised as being more comfortable, like these listed here? http://www.kilts-n-stuff.com/Highlan.../ghillies.html I've had a classic pair with leather soles for years and they have never been comfortable. I have no arch and typically wear orthotics, which probably explains why the ones I own are not that comfortable. Do any of these others have removable footbeds? Do they at least have a built-in arch of some sort?

    "The best things written about the bagpipe are written on five lines of the great staff" - Pipe Major Donald MacLeod, MBE

  2. #2
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    I can't vouch for Celtic Croft, but my husband has a pair of piper brogues from Scotweb and he thinks they are more comfortable than his regular dress shoes and has worn them 3 days in a row all day before.

    The footbed is glued in but could probably be pried out fairly easily (I've done this with my sneakers as I usually wear out the inside and replace it with a Dr. Scholl's gel pad)

    You could probably even get said gel pad in the shoe without taking out the original bed.

    It does have a low arch built in.

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
    This post is a natural product made from Recycled electrons. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I sell ones very similar to those called "Light Marching Brogues". I own these and the leather dress sole model and I tend to wear the marching ones more often. They are a lot like Dr. Martens and very comfortable. PM if you're interested, I offer a 10% discount to XMarks members.
    [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]John Hart[/COLOR]
    Owner/Kiltmaker - Keltoi

  4. #4
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    Thank you, I appreciate the responses.

    "The best things written about the bagpipe are written on five lines of the great staff" - Pipe Major Donald MacLeod, MBE

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I have three pair of ghillie brogues: a semi-formal dress pair in leather, which I don't like to wear; a pair of piper's GBs (leather upper; synthetic sole) with a J. Higgins label, not unlike the first on your site that are VERY light and comfortable; and, a second pair of piper's GBs ( leather upper; syntheic sole) with a Gaelic Themes label looking just like the second pair on your website that are also as comfortable, but dressier looking than the other piper GBs. I'm flat-footed, but do not put in an additional arch.
    Last edited by Jack Daw; 28th September 09 at 08:04 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squeaky McMurdo View Post
    I can't vouch for Celtic Croft, but my husband has a pair of piper brogues from Scotweb and he thinks they are more comfortable than his regular dress shoes and has worn them 3 days in a row all day before.

    The footbed is glued in but could probably be pried out fairly easily (I've done this with my sneakers as I usually wear out the inside and replace it with a Dr. Scholl's gel pad)

    You could probably even get said gel pad in the shoe without taking out the original bed.

    It does have a low arch built in.

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
    I also have a pair of these from Scotweb and would agree that they are reasonably comfortable. The one "downside" is is that they have a steel heel insert to slow/ prevent wear that makes it sound like you are wearing tap shoes on hard surfaces.

  7. #7
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    Like yourself I find my ghillie brogues (bought in 1971!) to be far less than comfortable. A few years ago I was given a pair of the light-weight, synthetic soled, GBs made by Gaelic Themes. For what it's worth I find these to be very comfortable on the field, but don't know how they'd be for marching.

    Generally speaking I don't wear GBs-- I prefer a well-made, and well-polished, oxford as these tend to offer better support and far more comfort. They are also easier to waltz in!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    Generally speaking I don't wear GBs-- I prefer a well-made, and well-polished, oxford as these tend to offer better support and far more comfort. They are also easier to waltz in!
    This is what I usually wear also, in either brown or black, depending on what I'm wearing.

    When I dress semi-formally, I must admit that the GBs do look sharp. I recently pulled out an old set of buckles on black flaps that I can lace to my wingtip oxfords, like I used to wear long before I owned any GBs and it is another dressier alternative, especially if I'm going to be on my feet a lot.

    "The best things written about the bagpipe are written on five lines of the great staff" - Pipe Major Donald MacLeod, MBE

  9. #9
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    I have a set and they are very nice, have a good grip when on damp or wet grass.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cerebite View Post
    I also have a pair of these from Scotweb and would agree that they are reasonably comfortable. The one "downside" is is that they have a steel heel insert to slow/ prevent wear that makes it sound like you are wearing tap shoes on hard surfaces.
    And, I have slipped on well-polished floors with those 'taps'.

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