27th September 09, 07:12 AM
Inexpensive eBay rabbit fur dress sporrans
Has anyone purchased one of these and would care to comment? Generally you get what you pay for and with some of these as low as $25, I wouldn't be expecting much.
I really don't have an interest in rabbit fur but have toyed with the idea of maybe using one for the cantle, ball chains, etc. in a DIY project with some quality fur. I guess I'm mostly wondering about the quality of those parts.
"The best things written about the bagpipe are written on five lines of the great staff" - Pipe Major Donald MacLeod, MBE
27th September 09, 07:37 AM
I bought one. On close inspection, you can see that it isn't very high in quality of materials. It probably also won't last the test of time. I would compare it to buying costume jewlery.
27th September 09, 08:45 AM
We purchased one a few years ago from Geoffrey Made for Scottish (think that's the name). It was the only one we could find with gold-color fittings. It gets used about twice a year for formal dinner-dance, and has held up well -- no "tarnish" or discoloration of fittings, no loose pieces. Certainly not hard usage but it is doing what we need it to do!
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
27th September 09, 10:09 AM
Appreciate the responses.
Just bought a used, quality dress sporran on eBay for a great price. If this turns out to be anything like I think it is, I will be extremely happy. Knowing this seller and his reputation, I'm pretty confident it will be worth at least what I paid for it and less than a third of the cost of a new one, if I could even obtain one like this new.
"The best things written about the bagpipe are written on five lines of the great staff" - Pipe Major Donald MacLeod, MBE
27th September 09, 11:37 AM
every now & then I buy one just to use as a base & fittings to make my own quality fur sporran (raccoon, skunk, bobcat)
7th October 09, 09:22 PM
I suppose if you attend formal events kilted only very infrequently, which is probably true for most people, then being hard wearing is not a major issue.
If, OTOH, you were one of those people who wears a dress sporran to the highland games/celtic fest, etc., then it might be a problem. Surely nobody who frequents this forum would do that, would they? Too much of a faux pas, I would have thought.
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