16th February 10, 11:33 PM
Do You Ever Feel Stupid?
I was thinking about how sometimes I feel plain stupid around here. People ask so many interesting questions, and then when I try to put my $0.02 in, I see so many better answers, or points than I could make. I am thankful for everything I learn weekly from this site, but I wish I could contribute more.
17th February 10, 12:49 AM
I don’t feel stupid because I’m too stupid to feel stupid !
However, the last time I should have felt stupid was in late August 1983 when I had my stag night in Edinburgh. My mates and I were in a pub in the Royal Mile (Corkers) and the Edinburgh Festival was in full swing. We were drinking like fish of course and we decided to move on and went out onto the busy street. Tourist coaches were trundling up and down the sloping cobbled street and the Edinburgh Tattoo crowd were spilling out, coming down the hill in coaches and on foot. But as soon as we were outside the pub, my mates jumped me and pulled off my suit, shirt, slip-ons everything except my red tanga briefs. Then Max shinned up a sign-post and placed all my clothes on top of the pole. Every time I tried to climb the pole, my mates tried to rip off my briefs. So I gave up and just stood on the pavement (sidewalk) as coach-loads of tourists slowly rolled up and down the hill. Coaches often stopped to let Japanese and other tourists take photos of me. Tourists walking by took photos too. Flashes were going off all over the place. I tried to ignore my surreal situation and pretended I was on the beach on holiday and I was in my swimming-trunks. Maximum role-playing !
Even a couple of police strolled toward me, stopping to ask what happened and I told them. Being Edinburgh’s Finest, they just laughed and went on their way !! (How this trauma didn’t turn me into a deranged cop-killer I do not know).
After a while, a drunk young local man (who looked like a Black Donnelly on a bad day) came up the street and asked me what was wrong. I told him and drunk or not, he started to climb the pole to get my clothes. Max (a big afro Brazilian/English guy) told him if he tried to get my clothes for me, he would lose his clothes too ! The guy immediately slid off the pole, walked right up to Max and despite being smaller, told Max in an interesting colourful way that he better not try. Max did not try and I got my clothes back ! My hero !!
Have you ever tried putting all your clothes on in a busy city street at night ? Strange feeling !
17th February 10, 05:12 AM
 Originally Posted by jordanjm
I was thinking about how sometimes I feel plain stupid around here. People ask so many interesting questions, and then when I try to put my $0.02 in, I see so many better answers, or points than I could make. I am thankful for everything I learn weekly from this site, but I wish I could contribute more.
Jordan, Jordan, Jordan,
You must never feel stupid or inadequate in any way.
You are a much needed and necessary part of X Marks.
If it wasn't for you, the rest of us would never look half as good! Thank you.
17th February 10, 05:31 AM
I know how you feel! In my case it is computers and the technical details that stump me. On occasion, I have asked for advice, here, on how to do something on the computer so that I can illustrate a point I am trying to make about the kilt. Low and behold, loads of helpful information is forthcoming from the many kind souls here. The trouble is; I don't understand a word that they have taken the trouble to write. It is all in techno-speak and is totally useless to a techno-dunce like me!
17th February 10, 05:41 AM
People here ask the best questions...questions I didn't realize I had until they asked. And the answers range from the informative to the fun...sometimes both at the same time.
My mother-in-law tells me I'm the "smart one," but then I feel obliged to remind her: 'but I can't cook.' That's a language and a technology all to itself and I don't understand the vocabulary.
17th February 10, 06:33 AM
I may feel child like, uneducated, and comfortable. Stupid is how I felt struggling through Thermal Dynamics and Adv. Calculus, I eventually did pass. Here is a whole new world, and people every so willing to offer encouragement.
17th February 10, 09:13 AM
The amount of knowledge and experience on this site is incredible. There are times when I have found myself wishing I could add more, but as I learn more and go farther down the road kilted, hopefully that will come. As long as I keep learning knowedge will result. It is a journey that others have started before I have and I am thankful to be able to have a place like this that shares these experiences and knowledge.
17th February 10, 10:29 AM
The question posed, "Do you (I) ever feel stupid?":
What was the question again?
17th February 10, 02:51 PM
No but on occassion I have let him feel me...........! (Ironic stupid answer)
17th February 10, 09:15 PM
Sometimes, when what I have said has been proven wrong, but that's how one learns.
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