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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd November 09
    Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
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    It's Not Unusual

    I've just heard that Tom Jones will be performing here in lil' old Muscat on 14th April at the Intercon Gardens !

    69 years old and the man's a huge legend. I'll certainly be going with my family and loads of other expats !

    It'll be the biggest live karaoke event here ever !!

    "Delilah" will be amazing ! - especially as beer will be available at the event (and food) !

  2. #2
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    I have "It's Not Unusual" in my MP3 rotation and it's amazing (although I'm personally not the least bit surprised) the big, wide smiles that it elicits when it comes on. "Thunderball" is on there too and I always sing along (badly...but, hey, what a great tune!). I have fond memories of the Tom Jones TV show and I try to explain it to my kids (18 and 21) but I can see that they just don't get it.

    "...so then Tom would go over to his guitar player, Big Jim...but you had to hear 'Big Jim' the way that Tom pronounced it...and who else would have had Zero Mostel as a guest and it was fantastic..."

    What a guy!

    "...and he strikes...like Thun-der-baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal"

    Oh yeah!



  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
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    A man goes to the doctor.

    He says “Doctor – I can’t stop singing “Delilah” and “The Green, Green Grass of Home”. I don’t even like Tom Jones, but every day in my head, these two songs appear and I can’t stop myself from singing them out loud ! I feel so embarrassed to other people. Is it serious ?”

    The doctor replies “It’s not unusual”

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
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    Tickets go on sale on Tuesday RO 25 each, about US$55 and they're going to go like hot-cakes.

    I've reserved 30 (mainly at my work) with a contact at the radio station who issues tickets, to guarantee we get them. I've collected about RO 500 so far.

    April 14th at 9pm - Intercon Hotel Gardens. Getting on for summer weather, will it be too hot for me to wear a black long sleeve shirt, black trousers, black slip-ons and my new black Rado watch ? Maybe !!

    Muscat is alive with the news of this concert, much, much more than with previous visitors like James Blunt and UB40.

    Like him or no, he's an indisputable giant, a legend on a par with Ole Blue Eyes. Though I'm not a fan as such, my wife is and his music has always been there through much of my life as a background. For that status alone, I will go and see him, love his concert (which will be great) and would love to get his autograph !! Aw Hail - I might even throw my boxer shorts onto the stage !!
    Last edited by Lachlan09; 21st March 10 at 04:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
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    Yay I got my family's TJ tickets today ! I also organised tickets for some of my colleagues. My son put his name down at the school to help out at the concert - so maybe he'll get to meet TJ himself !!

    The lady from the radio station who gave me my tickets mentioned that they're trying to get Shakira here later this year. That would be good if they can, it would signal a new level in international acts here ! So far, Dubai and Abu Dhabi hog all the big acts on tour.

    Maybe we'll get Beyonce, but when she's old !
    Last edited by Lachlan09; 26th March 10 at 02:32 PM.

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