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Thread: Sign of aging

  1. #1
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    Sign of aging

    Before going to my 40th class reunion, I decided to get my eyes examined and get a pair of glasses so I could see my old friends. I was examined, and lo and behold, the doctor tells me I have a cataract in my left eye. So, today I go see a specialist and he confirmed the diagnosis. Surgery scheduled for mid august. Just in time to take my granchildren to the Ravens summer camp. Every cloud has a silver lining.

    Oh, by the way......I was kilted at the reunion and it went over very well.
    Last edited by Frank McGrath; 17th July 10 at 01:05 PM.

  2. #2
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    My father is 5 years older than you, and he had a cataract taken off 3 or 4 weeks ago, and is doing fine with it. He sees the best he's seen in years, and says everything looks brighter and clearer. He just has to avoid really strong sunlight.
    Keep us posted on the details.

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  3. #3
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    My husband had cataract operations last year, the first in March and the second in July.

    He needs sunglasses, but his without glasses vision is adequate for most purposes now, having steadily improved during the year.

    He found having the wind on his eyes rather uncomfortable after many years wearing glasses, and the brightness of colours and full sunlight seemed to shock him.

    If all goes as well for you, which I hope it will do, the slightly disconcerting operation should produce welcome improvements.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  4. #4
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    Those who have undergone or are about to undergo cataract ops have all my sympathy. My grandmother had cataracts, and I have been told by my ophthalmologist that I have an incipient one. Don’t know at what stage it will need surgical attention, but he will no doubt let me know.
    The upside is that the vision does improve.
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  5. #5
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    I know nothing about Cataracts, or the surgery. I wish you well, and a speedy recovery.

    While I won't admit to being over the hill, I was saddened to understand the joke:

    You think an "All-Nighter" means you didn't have to get up to go to the bathroom.

  6. #6
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    I apreciate the comments and thoughts from all. I am now actually looking forward to the surgery on Aug 10.

    I have always believed that once you crested the hill, you would pick up speed going down the other side.

    Thanks again for the comments.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inchessi View Post
    I know nothing about Cataracts, or the surgery. I wish you well, and a speedy recovery.
    Same from here


  8. #8
    cormacmacguardhe's Avatar
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    The last time I had an eye exam the Dr. told me that I would at some point in the future need to have surgery for cataracts, not soon but down the road. Everyone I know who has had this says that the improvement is really good. Good luck with yours.

  9. #9
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    It used to be cataract surgery meant getting bifocals afterwards. I am pleasantly surprised to learn that this is no longer the case. Medical science really does seem to improve over time.

  10. #10
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    I think there is ongoing research into improving the replacement lenses.

    When my husband went for the second eye to be done, with the time lapse being only March to July the same surgeon used a newly introduced type of lens for the second eye.

    He also used a different approach - but that might be due to his handedness rather than a different technique of insertion.

    I'm not at all sure how the British Health service compares with the rest of the First World in cataract surgery, but he certainly had no complaints about his care before during and after the two operations, and he is pleased with the results. He still uses glasses for close focus, but no longer wears glasses for driving and everyday living.

    Anne the Pleater

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