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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Review my Attire 4

    So first, some background for those of you who have not followed the previous "Review my Attire" threads:

    Jock wrote in the "Review my Attire 2" thread (http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...e-2-a-60670/):
    The real point of this thread was to provoke thought and give, some of you, the confidence to perhaps be a little more "adventurous", or perhaps at least see that there are acceptable alternatives outside your own Non Scots comfort zone

    and Sandy wrote in "Review my Attire 3" thread (http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...e-3-a-60746/):
    I couldn't agree more, so I'm stepping up to the plate and adding a third thread. Many have seen these pics before, but why not see what opinions they stir up!

    Central to the lively exchange on both threads was the issue of the mixing of patterns and a relaxed approach to the whole concept of careful matching of elements in Highland Attire. And again, if you haven't read these threads, I heartily recommend them for this thread is a continuation of a very interesting challenge that Jock Scot put forward in "Review...2" and it follows here:

    Jock wrote
    I am looking for a volunteer. Alright, I know never volunteer!But read on-----

    Here is the deal. This volunteer will have to be known to me as being from the "every thing must match" school of thought -----I know who some of you are-----who has an adventurous streak and is perhaps from the ranks of the newer kilt wearing brigade . He will need a traditional style tartan kilt(box pleats will do), a tattersall shirt, traditional tweed day jacket (waist coat optional), brown/black brogues(wingtips, but NOT ghillie brogues), traditional day sporran, any colour other than white hose and flashes/garter ties.

    Apart from the tweed jacket matching with the waist coat, the hose matching with each other, same with the flashes/shoes (perhaps sporran) NOTHING MUST MATCH in a significant way.Think of my pictures, Sandy's pictures and pictures of that style that you may have seen on this website.

    When this volunteer has assembled his kit and PM's me his postal address, I will send him a tie(free of charge)and that he must wear it with the above gear, have a picture taken and publish it here with your thoughts on how you look and feel.

    The tie will be along traditional Regimental lines and it will be yours to keep. You will not upset any "Old Soldier" by wearing this tie at any time at any place, but the money from the purchase(by me) of this tie will be going to a very worthy cause.

    So who is it going to be? If there are more than one applicant their names will be put in a hat and my dear wife will draw ONE name. The "lucky" fellow's name will be announced on this thread. Offer closes on 20th of August 2010 at 1200hrs BST(Jock time).

    As you probably surmise by now, I was the lucky winner of the draw and the tie arrived as promised late last week.

    And without further ado, my next post on this thread will be the photographic record of this "Everything Must Match School" graduate's first foray into "unmatched" territory. As mentioned in Jock's proposition, I will accompany the photos with some commentary on the journey. I look forward to your thoughts, rabble!



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I await the pics and commentary with bated breath!
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Highland Eye for the Match-y Guy

    First, the pics...

    My wife and I on our back porch

    And a closer shot to give a better read on the various patterns

    And some initial thoughts...

    Until Jock called for volunteers in "Review...2" I had not thought of myself as too locked in to the "all must match" mode. But upon "further review" and faced with some pretty conclusive photographic evidence, I realized that there were quite a few combinations in my closet that I would never have thought to wear. And, truth be told, my tendency to choose matching elements is so wired into my "eye" it was all but invisible to me.

    So out of the closet came my lone tattersal shirt (which I had never worn with a kilt!) and out of the drawer came my claret hose (which I had never thought to wear with my MacArthur Ancient kilt). And to this, I added the strong colors of the Army Benevolent Fund regimental tie and the multi-colors subtly arrayed in my brown Harris Tweed jacket and vest.

    I immediately noticed two things. (warning: over-intellectualized blather ahead!) With the exception of the hose and garter ties, each element, shirt, tie, kilt, jacket, had a number of colors at play...some subtly, some boldly... and so there was a lot of "resonance" going on... and resonance is a kind of interplay that has more dimension that simple, straight, one-on-one matching ever could. And that brings me to the second realization... looking back at photos of my usual choices, they suddenly looked flat and somewhat two dimensional.

    Put plainly...I very much like the result. And so did the family, which is noteworthy because truth be told, they're a pretty match-y bunch too.

    It's hard to pin down, but there's a relaxation that comes from a free hand and an openness to just letting the clothes be what they'll be that is very nice indeed.

    I'm going to use that free hand again in the next day or two and post the results. The experiment continues...



  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I like it! Without really trying, you've created a new bar for the rest of us to rise to. Congratulations.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ken, one word: PERFECT!

    You've got it, my friend.

    PS. If I could suggest one wee thing to correct, it would be to adjust the bonnet slightly by pulling the front forward and down some, so that the grosgrain band around the head band is parallel to the ground.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I rather like the look Ken. As with you I'm pretty much into the matching mode, but there is definately something "alive" about your kit. The different parts flow together without actually matching in our traditional sense of the word. Can't wait to see the next set of photos.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
    Member Order of the Dandelion
    Per Electum - Non consanguinitam

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Hello there, Sir. Could you direct me to the local pub? WHAT!?! you're not a Scot?

    You look fantastic! And Standard has put his finger on something. The term "alive". I don't know exactly what it means, but I see it in your new pictures, just as I see it in the pix of Jock Scot.

    A special congratulations should go out to Jock. He's the Mad (Plaid) Scientist behind this particular experiment, and come away with a win on his first go.

    Cheers and huzzas to you both.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    By Jove, I think he’s got it! Smashing, Ken!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    As nice as the entire ensemble looks, I think that the picture without the coat is my favorite. The tattersal shirt, brown waistcoat, and regimental tie presents a very natural look that is both comfortable and elegantly simple. Nice work!

    ps - I do agree with JSFMACLJR about the bonnet placement. I'm just saying..

    You would make anyone who is debating whether to kilt or not to jump on the kilted bandwagon....
    Clan Ogilvie; AF&AM/Scottish Rite/York Rite/Shriner; Charleston Scottish Society; Brotherhood of the Isle of Skye; Matt Newsome Kilt Owners Group

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Very nice. There are only three things that would make me think that you are American and not a native Highlander:

    1. Your Balmoral seems to be worn to far to the back of your head. Pull it down so the grosgrain band is about two fingers width above your eyebrows.
    2. Switch the brown shoes for black balmoral-style full brogues (wingtips for us Americans).
    3. All your attire looks new!

    I particularly like the red hose. Very nice!



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