10th September 10, 09:41 PM
Barb T. live on NASA TV
Hi all,
I've had the honor and privilege of spending the last week as part of the science team for the 2010 NASA Desert RATS test, where NASA is testing geologic field operations using its two prototype lunar exploration rovers in a volcanic field north of Flagstaff, Arizona. It has been a truly remarkable experience - I've been part of the "geologic back room", and my job has been to run the imaging acquisition and documentation systems for both the rover traverses and the crew EVAs (extravehicular activities - i.e., simulations of space walks), and I'm going to be part of the strategic science planning team for the next couple of nights.
The rovers are quite remarkable vehicles - if you want to see something about them and about the Desert RATS test, you can go to http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/anal...sert_rats.html
The publicity people decided that they wanted to do a live interview with me for NASA TV about what I'm doing, and the interview is folded into a half hour program that's viewable on the web. The whole program is great and will give you a feel for the rovers and the testing we've been doing. If you want to see what I had to say, it starts at about 17:40 into the program at the following link:
10th September 10, 10:08 PM
Awesome public relations segment. Well handled.
10th September 10, 10:45 PM
You have been given an opportunity to take part in some incredible and amazing stuff. The exploration of space is, in my mind, the greatest achievement and the greatest adventure in our history.
Actually, it was my fascination with space and science and my desire to explore it that pushed me to join the Navy. I figured that since I couldn't join Starfleet and see other worlds I'd do the next best thing and see other lands.
To get to take part in extraterrestrial exploration at any level is something I envy. Well done.
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.
10th September 10, 10:53 PM
10th September 10, 11:10 PM
Lookin' good Professor Barb. Thanks for the links.
11th September 10, 02:44 AM
You're a natural on camera, Barb. I'm more convinced than ever that you need your own TV show... I'm just not sure whether it needs to be on the Travel Channel or the Science Channel!
11th September 10, 05:50 AM
That was cool and so interesting! Since your daughter is there as well, does that mean piping together in the evening? And inquiring minds want to know which kilt you are working on out there in the Arizona wilds.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
11th September 10, 06:12 AM
Lookin good, Barb. Love the "Scotland Rugby" shirt too!
11th September 10, 06:29 AM
Great job Barb.
Next time, you'll need to simulate one of your "heated geologists battles". You'll get higher ratings.
11th September 10, 07:37 AM
Barb, I just saw a "James T Kirk" tartan you might be interested in for a future kilt
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber
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