4th November 10, 06:23 AM
Best Value Tattersall Shirts?
I've been looking to purchase a couple tattersall (country check) shirts with regular collars, not the button-down variety. I worry that at most of the more obvious places, i.e. Barbour, Orvis, Ben Silver, one is paying more for the particular brand name than for the quality of the shirt. At other places, i.e. L.L. Bean and Lands End, they all seem to be button-down collars which I'm not partial to.
Do any of you have experience with shirts from Cordings, Brockwell of Bakehurst, Hoggs of Fife, or "Joseph Turner" tattersalls? Can you suggest other brands? I'm looking for the best value for the money, not necessarily the least, or most, expensive, something that I can wear with a tie and sportcoat / kilt jacket.
4th November 10, 06:54 AM
I'll be very interested in responses to this thread, as I recently went through the same exercise myself. Most of what I was able to find online was either fairly pricey, or very inexpensive. Like you, I was looking for a middle ground product without button-down collar.
Most of what I found outside the Barbour, Orvis, et. al realm were poly/cotton blends available in the UK. The shirts were inexpensive, but I often had a hard time finding colors that worked, as the photos available were small.
I ended up spending more than I'd have preferred on a windowpane check from Brooks Brothers, but will follow this thread closely for responses from the rabble who are more knowledgeable than I!
P.S. It seems like I'd saved a link to a promising source on my home computer, which I'll post later. Here are links to a couple of the inexpensive ones, if anyone is interested:
Last edited by ShaunMaxwell; 4th November 10 at 07:57 AM.
4th November 10, 06:59 AM
Tattersal shirts
Here is a link I found last night while doing a similar search. I am not familiar with them, but their products are well presented and sound nice (for whatever that's worth)
They have a pretty good selection of non-button down, as well as button down collars, and they have both window pane and tattersal patterns.
I hope it helps,
4th November 10, 08:56 AM
My favorite everyday shirt is the Roundtree and York Gold Label. Made of 100% 80's pinpoint cotton, it is soft, beautifully-made and yet needs no-ironing. I mean NO ironing. Out of the dryer with a perfect crease, no wrinkles. They have a spread collar check, but i didn't see a tattersall.
They also carry a tuxedo shirt that looks good but that I have never tried.
I buy these shirts at my local Dillard's, but I assume the online process is satisfactory.
4th November 10, 10:45 PM
Another tattersall source
Here's a link to House of Bruar, which I'd mentioned in my previous post. They seem to have quite a selection of tattersall shirts: http://www.houseofbruar.com/no-brand...t-prodtn08130/
And there's always Jos. A Bank, which has an understated tattersall at a good price at the moment: http://www.josbank.com/menswear/shop...p:ReferralView
Last edited by ShaunMaxwell; 5th November 10 at 10:03 AM.
5th November 10, 03:30 AM
Alright you have plenty of suggestions to work on, so I don't think adding to the list will help. BUT, a word to the wise may help. Many tattersall shirts are made for the farming/ country set where messing around with the tractor engine,skinning a deer etc. is a normal pursuit. These shirts are fine for what they are cheap, functional and they sell like hot cakes here and it is no big deal if they get stained. What they often lack is quality of cloth, lack of room across the back, sleeves that rarely are long enough and the lacking of sensible length shirt tails. So be careful.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
5th November 10, 04:31 AM
Well, when I was in House of Bruar last September I could have bought the whole store. :-) However, I think you are looking for a US source, and one that won't break the bank.
My favorite shirts for the money generally come from places you've mentioned such as LL Bean or Land's End, but you are right about the button down collars. If you look through their selections carefully you might find some things that will work for you.
Here's one from LL Bean without a button collar that is available in a small B/W check (not really a tattersall).
This one and this one from Land's End are more work shirts, but it lacks the button collar.
I also have to say that I have a couple of these shirts, and they are some of my favorites, despite the button collar.
5th November 10, 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by ShaunMaxwell
Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Many tattersall shirts are made for the farming/ country set where messing around with the tractor engine,skinning a deer etc. is a normal pursuit. These shirts are fine for what they are cheap, functional and they sell like hot cakes here and it is no big deal if they get stained. What they often lack is quality of cloth, lack of room across the back, sleeves that rarely are long enough and the lacking of sensible length shirt tails. So be careful.
Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome
However, I think you are looking for a US source, and one that won't break the bank.
Here's one from LL Bean without a button collar that is available in a small B/W check (not really a tattersall).
This one and this one from Land's End are more work shirts, but it lacks the button collar.
Thanks to all for the suggestions. I somehow had missed the House of Bruar offerings. They seem to have a good range of patterns.
Jock, thanks for the insight. I have a couple of beaten-up "plaid shirts", as we call them over here, that I use for the same types of activities- hunting (shooting, to you), working around the yard, etc., so I guess they're somewhat counterparts. That may explain why there's a dearth on this side of the Atlantic of country checks.
Matt, I'm also a big fan of JosABank (when on sale) and have some of their shirts in check patterns.
5th November 10, 06:02 AM
Just for information Joseph Turner www.josephturner.co.uk have a 50% off offer going at the moment. If I am to wear an off the peg shirt, these are the ones I wear.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
5th November 10, 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Just for information Joseph Turner www.josephturner.co.uk have a 50% off offer going at the moment. If I am to wear an off the peg shirt, these are the ones I wear.
Thanks for the heads-up. I have looked over their website several times, but was unsure about the quality of the shirts.
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